Chapter 7- Your Friend Steve

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Randal had been in a sour mood for most of the evening after he found out what Daren had done to you. He wasn't mad at Daren or you for having sex no, but he was annoyed that Daren had been reckless both in biting you and in making you unable to walk. He had decided that you were going to be locked in your room for a while.

You lay on your bed frustrated. Your leg hurts and your ass hurts and you're in a terrible mood. 'I can't believe I just let him do that to Me.' you groan. 'I know these vampires aren't necessarily bad people but they shouldn't treat me like a whore.' You frown at the ceiling. 'Maybe they still resent me because I'm a hunter... could that be why they take such pleasure in making me squirm?'

You hear a commotion outside the room and you sit up. "What's going on?" you wonder.

After a few moments the door opens and figure clocked in a black pull over is thrown into your room. The door is slammed shut again and locked. The figure stares at the door.

"The fuck..." you mumble confused.

The figure turns around his green eyes wide. "Who... (y/n)!! Thank god you're ok!" he hurries to his feet and rushes to hug you. "I was so worried."

"Steve!?" you stare at him mouth wide open. "How... why... how the hell did you find me!?"

Steve lets go and smiles. "Shit I was just following the vampire that took you... I'm so sorry you got caught! I should have done a better job." He sighs and grabs your wrist. "Come on let's get out of here." He pulls you off the bed and you wobble before falling to your knees on the floor. "Come on stand up we got to go!" he pauses. "What's wrong with you?"

You frown. "I can't walk. Slow down." You groan as he helps you back up onto the bed. "Steve... why did you come after me? It's dangerous for you here."

"I knew you'd be ok." He smiles. "I don't know what you've been up to here but I knew you weren't dead. You're immune to the venom so I figured they'd keep you around as a food source until you shrivel up like a raisin."

"You're so kind." You frown. "But Steve you're not immune... did they bite you?"

Steve frowns. "No... they were going to but I lied and told them I have aids so they got scared and threw me in here..." he shows you his arm where a needle mark is clearly visible. "They're waiting for a blood test... that's why I need to leave."

You pinch the bridge of your nose annoyed. "You dumbass they probably just told you that so you'd think they didn't know. Did you really forget vampires can smell that sort of thing? They already know you don't have aids."

Steve pauses. "Then... why did they let me go?"

"Probably because they aren't interested in killing humans." You frown and lay back on the bed. "You're absolutely sure they didn't bite you?"

"I think I would know if I got bit." Steve rolls his eyes. He glances over at you and frowns. "Nice accommodations... are you their little whore?"

"Don't start this Steve!" you growl. "I didn't fucking just decide to get captured!"

Steve looks away. "Why haven't you killed them yet?"

You frown. 'He has a point I've been here two weeks and they're alive.' You frown. "I was locked up for a week and then..." you scratch the back of your head. "Um... well I was on a leash."

Steve frowns. "A leash? Well you're not now so why are they still alive?"

"Randal just let me off today!?" you protest. "I mean... ug..."

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