Chapter 20

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Hey guys i'm back.

I'm off school all week so expect updates :))

For this chapter I recommended listening to Lana Del Rey - Dark Paradise.

Enjoy. :)


Louis P.O.V

My eyes shoot open as I sit straight up as I feel a sharp pain in my leg.

"Ack!" I yell, grabbing my leg.

"Shit, Lou!" I hear a voice say.

My breathing slows as I look to my left, deep blue eyes staring into mine.

"Niall I...what happened?" I say, looking around.

"They knocked you out, I've no idea where we are now." He sighs.

I look around and notice the dark musty room we were in. I also look down at the blood trickling down my leg. I wince as I touch it.

"Careful Lou, one of the guys injected something in you there."

"Fucking brilliant." I groan.

"They took our phones, I wish we could call Liam or harry or something..." He says.

"Harry wouldn't come. He fucking hates me." I say.

Niall's eyebrows furrow together in confusion. "Why?" He asks.

"To save you, they wanted me to break up with him and leave." I say.

"The fuck, why?" He asks.

"I don't know, I'm only a toy to Harry anyway." I quietly say.

"Oh I...I thought you two were like properly in love..." He says.

"I can't love someone who doesn't love me back." I say.

He stays silent after that.


Zayn P.O.V

"Liam calm down!" I yell, holding his shoulders.

"No! Where's Niall!" He shouts, thrashing out of my grip.

"I-I don't know Man..." I say, sighing.

"Look we should just-" Harry begins, until a shot noise rings through the air.

"Shit GET ON THE GROUND!" I yell, jumping to the floor with Liam and Harry.

Shouting is heard outside, and a few more gunshots are blasted through the windows.

"Shit Shit Shit!" I whisper, quickly pulling my hand pistol out and crawling along the floor.

I peer around the corner and spot one of the men, before aiming and pulling the trigger, sending a bullet through his chest. I move back around the corner to face Liam and Harry.

"You two man the fuck up! We gotta get out of here!" I whisper.

They nod and follow me, as we sneak around. We enter the bathroom and open the window near the ceiling, pushing ourselves through. We scramble out the front lawn and jump into my black jeep.

"Come on Zayn go!" Harry yells.

I grunt before stepping on the pedal and drive too fast down the road.

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