Chapter 2

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Louis stood in front of Niall's white house, then knocking on the door.

The door opens, revealing the young blonde Irish known as Niall Horan.

"Hey Louis! Come on in, just go up to my room."

Louis nods and enters the house, then turning to his left to go up the stairs. He gets to the top and walks along the hallway, to enter Niall's room. It isn't too big, but not too small either. He has blue wallpaper, and three Irish flags hanging on the wall. Louis sits on the edge of Niall's bed, sighing.

"Ey mate what you wearing? I know you're attracted to me but god at least put some clothes on!" Niall says, laughing loudly after.

"Niall, just because I'm gay doesn't mean I fancy every boy I see." Louis says.

"Aha I'm just joking! You can borrow some of my clothes."

"Thanks." Louis says.

Niall walks over to his wardrobe, pulling out black chinos and a white and blue top that says "Have a nice day" on it. He then walks over and hands them to Louis.

"I'll give you some privacy." Niall says, he then winks and leaves the room, closing the door after him.

Louis sighed and began putting the trousers on, then looking at the top. It was mainly white, the sleeves being blue and half long. There was a yellow face on it with three eyes.

"Niall, you weirdo..." Louis says before putting the top over his head.

"NIALL YOU CAN COME IN!" Louis shouts, until immediately a blonde runs through the door.

"Wow, you look pretty good in my clothes if I say so myself..." Niall says, smiling proudly.

"Yeah whatever, I'm pissed off with my mum so I need to relax for a bit."

"Oh sorry to hear mate! Why don't we do something?" Niall says.

"I don't know what to do, you any ideas?" Louis says, sighing after.

"We could go to that new club, you know, Passion?"

"Well, I guess...Ah why not? Fuck it!" Louis shouts.

"OKAY! But first, I'm fixing your hair." Niall says.

"What's wrong with it?!" Louis says, slowly patting the fringe of his hair.

"Look, just let me deal with it."

After fifteen minutes, which felt like five hours to Louis, Niall finally stops messing with his hair.

"There you go mate!"

Louis turns to look in the mirror, he gasps as his hair has been styled in a little quiff.

"Damm if I was gay too I would so go for you!"

"Shut up Niall."

Niall giggled, then turned Louis around.

"Let's go get fucked up."

Louis worries for a moment, but then remembers he should act different for once, and smiles, dragging Niall out the door

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