Chapter 4

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Louis P.O.V:


What time is it?

Oh, 1 pm. Shit.

"Niall?" I ask.

I walk into his living room to find him passed out on the sofa, dribbling a little from his mouth. Niall is the best friend you could ask for, honest and adorable.

I try to remember exactly what happened last night, after we got back to Niall's house, I tried to explain about meeting harry but he was too drunk to understand anything I was saying.

"Oh for fucks sake Louis I'm sleeping!" Niall shouts.

Well, somebody is defiantly hung-over.

"Niall, you nearly died with the amount of alcohol you consumed last night." I say with a little smirk.

"Ah fuck it, I'm Irish." He says with a weary grin and closed eyes.

"I'll make us food, then I'm gonna pop into Tesco for some food."

"Aw thanks babe!" Niall says, clumsily blowing a kiss at me.

I giggle and turn to walk into the kitchen, I turn the kettle on a fish out the frying pan to make him a nice English breakfast and tea.

After Niall finally decided to get up, he absolutely devoured the breakfast I made him, although he always had a thing for food.

I go into his room and decided to steal another outfit, a pair of black trousers and a plain white top. I don't bother to do my hair and stick a grey beanie on and my red Toms on my feet.

"Niall, i'll be back soon, don't do anything stupid." I say, waving and smiling.

"Alright Lewis, Love youuuu!" Niall says with a big grin.

"Alright then, Neil!" I shout, before running out the door to not see his mortified face.


I stroll down the last few isles of Tesco, frozen foods and then alcohol.

I look at the different beers and vodka, so many different kinds I don't know what to get for me and Niall.

I hear a distant deep laugh. "Haven't you already had enough alcohol?"

I turn around to come face to face with the person talking.


He's wearing a black t-shirt, brown trousers and a red hoodie, and he looks hot.



"Nice to see you again Louis, people usually ditch me after meeting me, but you? Got myself a stalker I see." He says, with a smug grin.

"Excuse me, i'm shopping for my own stuff, not staking your flat ass!" I shout.

"Ooh, Sassy. I like." He says waddling his fingers.

"Oh, Fuck off Harry."

"You really don't know who I am, do you?" He slowly says.

I turn fully around to come straight into contact with his shining green eyes.

"'re Harry? Right?"

"Well, if you get a chance, ask one of your friends about "Harry Styles" Alright? Bye babe." He says, then turning around and walking out of the aisle.

I stand there star struck.

Who the fuck is Harry Styles?

I shake it off, and begin walking to the till and pay for my items.

Maybe Niall knows who he is.

After finishing paying, I begin walking back to Niall's house.

While walking down the road, I only realise after a while the voices I hear behind me.

"Hey, isn't that Styles new toy?"

"I heard he punched Matt right in the mouth!"

"No fucking way!"

A lot of people seem to know who Harry is...

After finally reaching Niall's house, I shout to him, to only come face to face with the Blonde moments later.

"Hey Louis! How are you- OHMYGOD YOU BROUGHT FOOD YES!"

Niall quickly took the bags and belted for the kitchen before I even got a word out. I walk into the kitchen to find Niall eating some ham I bought.

"Niall, I need to ask you something, important..."

"Sure mate! What's up?!" Niall exclaims.

"Well, at the club, I met this guy and..."

"You met a guy!? Lou that's great!" He interrupts.

"No Niall not like that, these guys attacked me behind the club and he saved me from them..."

"What?! Why didn't you tell me you got fucking attacked?!" Niall quickly says.

"No wait nothing happened! But the guy, I saw him again and he told me his name. He said apparently everyone knows it. So I was wondering if you knew who he was."

"Oh right...What's his name Lou?"

"Um...Harry Styles." I say.

Niall suddenly stops eating, as his mouth drops open.

"HARRY STYLES?!" He shouts.

"Woah Niall calm the fuck down! I was just asking."

"Lou, you need to stop seeing him, it's serious I swear. He's dangerous shit."

"Who is he?" I ask, suddenly intrigued.

"He's bad news he is. Everybody knows who Harry Styles is. If you look at him he'll fucking kill you. He's pure evil."

"But, then why did he help me?"

"I don't know Lou, he always picks easy targets, he's probably trying to scare you." Niall quickly says.

I flick my hair out of my eyes, full of worry.

"Shit, okay...I won't talk to him. I promise Niall."

"Good mate, now, let's make lunch!"

"What!? You just ate though!!" I say, pushing Harry to the back of my mind.

"So? Anyway we need lots of energy for tonight!"

"What's tonight?" I ask curiously.

"We've been invited to Grimmys house party! Wayhoo!"

"Oh..." Ugh, Nick is a bit of a dick. He once tried it on with me and when I said no, I swear I would be dead if looks could kill.

"Alright alright i'll go with you Niall." I sigh, giving in.

"Yes! Now i'm so sorting your hair out! That quiff looked adorable on you last night!"

"Oh for fucks sake, no." I say quickly turning around, only to find a pair of hands pulling me back.

"Nice try Tommo!" Niall says before pushing me down on a chair.

"Wait..wait WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU GET THAT HAIRSPRAY FROM?!" I scream, as I noticed Niall is already spraying my hair and brushing it.

I moan, and decide to give in. Tonight is going to be a pain...

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