Well she's at work right now so you're going to have to wait.

Other words were transpired amongst the group message, but she decided to close out of it for the time being. She was still trying to grasp the whole "Amir getting married" part. For one, the boy was only a senior in high school. He wasn't even capable of living on his own yet, let alone be ready for marriage and for two, Dido knew that if something like this was to actually be happening, Reece would have said something. Wouldn't he? Dido believed he would, but right now, she wasn't too sure.

She came to the conclusion that she wasn't going to be speaking with Reece or the girls tonight. She'd have school the next day and would rather discuss this in person and not over the phone. Sometimes things could get misconstrued through text messaging and calling and Dido wanted no misunderstanding once she got to the bottom of what was going on. Plus she just didn't have the energy to deal with anyone tonight. All she wanted to do was go home, put on a movie, and curl up in her bed.


Arriving home and taking her shoes off at the garage door, Dido's father stood next to the kitchens microwave, warming up some leftovers from the previous night. She sat her purse and keys down on one of the high stools that sat along one of the islands and blew out a well needed breath.

Her father glanced at her as he took his food out of the microwave. "Hey baby, how was work?"

"Tiring." Dido stated.

"I told you didn't need that job. If you needed anything, you know you can come---"

"Daddy..." She sighed. "I know you're willing to do whatever I need, but I've got to grow up some day."

"Not right now though." Mr.Rosingberg responded.
Dido stifled a laugh and walked around the island next to him, going in for a hug. She laid her head on his chest as he wrapped his broad like arms around her.

There was a calming silence before Mr.Rosingberg finally spoke. "Your mother would be so proud of you. I could just see her face gleaming right now."

Dido looked up into her father's, light brown orbs, almost feeling like a little girl again. "Really?" She said, feeling her eyes slightly water for some odd reason. It had been awhile since she'd even thought about her mom. When life throws you so many different curve balls, it can kind make you forget what's most important.

"Of course," he responded. "I could hear her bragging about you to all her little sorority sisters right now. 'Cause you know she used to do that all the time when you were younger."

Dido smiled, feeling her eyes water even more and a lump forming in her throat. "God, I miss her." She hugged her father a little bit tighter, laying her head on his chest again.

"Me too booboo, me too." He sighed, resting his chin on her head. "But I bet you she's looking down at you and loving what she see's."

Dido sniffled into her father's chest. Mr.Rosingberg became a tad bit concerned. It had been a while since he'd seen his her cry over their mom. "Dido, what's on your mind?" He pulled away to look at her.

She rubbed her eyes in response and then looked back up at her dad, debating if she tell him about Reece and everything that had been going on lately. For most part everything had been great and she really had no complaints about her and Reece's relationship, but sometimes she wished she had somebody else to confide in besides Tyree, her dad, or her friends.

She wanted somebody to look up to, somebody to just have girl talk with. She wanted someone to go to when problems would arise in her and Reece's relationship. She wanted someone to steer her in the right direction and nurture her as a young woman. She wanted her mom.

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