"NOW!!!!" He squealed, jumping. He landed square on the figure's head, Jason landing on the shoulder, and the figure jumped with a yelp, springing back and ducking in surprise.

"Hey!" Ty complained, straightening up. "You can't just do that! You almost gave me a heart attack Adam!" Adam giggled and rolled over to go over the edge, flitting forward to face the human.

"Gotchya?" He offered, laughing and twisting midair. Ty failed to hide a smile, and he chuckled.

"Alright alright, you guys got me good." Jason giggled and tugged on a tuft of the human's soft thick brown hair, messing around with him.

"It was Adam's idea!" He squeaked in defense. Ty narrowed his eyes playfully at Adam.

"Oh was it?~" He asked in an interested tone. Adam beamed guiltily and tittered, swooping in the air with excitement.

"Maybe~" He tittered. Then he zipped around and started chattering. "Come on Ty, come on! You have to see the Clearing! It's so great!" He chirped, tugging on the human's sleeve.

"Alright alright I'm coming!" Ty laughed, letting himself be led away by the two energetic fairies. All fairies were energized by the light of the moon, so it was expected for them to be much more hyper than normal.

Plus Ty was glad Ian had given him a heads up.

When he entered the clearing with Jason and Adam whirling around above his head, some of the fairies stopped whatever they were doing and darted over him to investigate. But they weren't worried about this human; Ian had assured them completely that Ty was to be seen as an ally, a guest, especially since he was the one that had aided in their freedom from Martin.

Adam was glad that Martin was gone, locked away in what Ty had called a "prison." The fairies had never deserved for their home to be trampled and burned, but now that spring had rolled in, the Clearing had regenerated, so all was mostly forgiven. In fact, the people who were in control of the Coronado Forest's ownership declared that no one was allowed in the forest ever again, to avoid any more "accidental" forest fires. But of course, it was natural for Ty to bend a few rules to hang out with his fairy friends.

Ty shivered a little with a giggle as one fairy curiously tugged on a tuft of his hair, only to fly back with an excited squeak, perching on top of his head. This happened a few more times before about a dozen fairies were perched on the human, and Adam laughed hard, bowling over in the air as he tumbled in his fit of giggles.

"Ty." Ian had ventured out of Adam's hollow, followed by Seto to greet the human.

"Hi Ian!' Ty smiled friendly. The corners of Ian's mouth quirked in a small smile, and he dipped his head.

"You are very much welcome here, Ty," He assured warmly. Ty grinned happily as the fairies squeaked among themselves and flitted off of their living perch, darting back into the action of the festivity. Jason and Seto flew off to talk to Mitch and Jerome, who were happily sipping on some nectar in their acorn cups up in the tree canopy. Adam glided onto his favorite perch-- Ty's shoulder-- as Ian continued.

"The Blue Moon is a rare occurrence," he stated, drifting a little as Ty followed, careful to not run into any airborne fairies. "Most people believe that the blue moon is just like the full regular moon, and happens every three years-- however they have not seen the true blue moon." Ty ducked to avoid a couple of fairies that were frolicking about his head. "Humans do not have as sharp of eyes as us, but if you look up at the moon and look long enough, then you can see that it has a faint blue tint from the twilight sky." Both Adam and Ty looked up at the moon, and while Adam immediately saw this tinted moon, it took Ty a few seconds before he recognized it.

"Wow," He said aloud, looking back at Ian. "I never knew that... so how often does a real blue moon happen?" Ian smiled and stretched his arms out in a sort of welcoming gesture.

"Once every hundred years." Mitch suddenly dove down and flew through the tall grass, and like Adam had done earlier, fireflies flew up and around them all, as if beckoned by Ian's words. Ty turned his head and watched in awe at the extraordinary scene, his eyes taking everything in of the beautiful sight. The fairies chattered to one another and frolicked around the glowing bugs, chasing them higher up into the sky to keep their "party lights" on. Fascinated, the human guest watched his mythological surroundings before feeling a tug on his sleeve, and he glanced down to see a shy little young-wing with light blue wings the same color as the star-blue tinted moon.

"Are you really a human?" She squeaked shyly. Ty smiled and nodded.


"Wow!" She circled around the tall human, exploring his silhouette with her eyes as her wings turned more of a silver. "Your hair is so shiny!" She squealed, patting it curiously. "And soft!" Adam failed to hold back a snicker as Ty blushed.

"U-um... th-thanks-"

"Star!" Seto saved the day for the humbled human by swooping in. "Don't embarrass him!" He smiled. Star giggled guiltily and gave Ty some distance.

"Sorry!" She chirped cheerfully before flying away. Seto shook his head, smiling.

"Ah... you'll have to forgive her, she's a lot like Adam-- only more obedient." He flashed his close friend a playful glare, but the little gold fairy simply tittered and waved it off.

"She's a really good singer though!" Adam backed up the silver fairy. "She was singing earlier Ty! Did you hear her?" Now that Ty thought of it, that sweet crystal voice had floated up into the air as soon as Star had left, the soft cheerful notes vocalizing and setting the perfect mood.

"Wow... yeah, she's great!" Ty wondered out loud. He then looked to see that Adam had suddenly gone, and as had Ian. He turned his head to see the two fairies weaving through the celebration, and he hurriedly followed to not lose sight of them. He finally caught up with them at an overhanging cliff, where the two fairies were perched on an outstretched branch, giving them a perfect view of the forest and the large full moon.

Ty said nothing, not wanting to ruin the moment as he rested his arms on top of a more sturdier section of the branch. Ian gave him a slight glance but said nothing, while Adam smiled at him and clambered onto his hand and up his arm to settle down on his shoulder.

"... It's beautiful isn't it?" Ian finally said quietly.

"Yeah..." Ty breathed. Adam kept quiet, leaning against Ty's neck and yawning sleepily.

"... I wanna try some nectar," he whined. Ian snerked.

"Not until you're 200 years old mister!"

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