The House Of Capulet And Montague.....

Start from the beginning

I made my way up to my room I walked in and went into the bathroom and began to run myself a bath I made my way into the bedroom and began to undress, something caught my eye by Siena night stand. I walked over and saw a book. I picked it up and it was Romeo and Juliet I didn't know she liked Shakespeare? I looked at the cover and I notice that it was one of Stefan books of course my brother always loved a book filled with love tragedy. I picked up the book and a bottle of scotch from the side and brought them into the bathroom, I place the both down by the side while I climb into the bath. I picked up the bottle of scotch and took a swig I know I'm going to need this while reading this book. I began to read it and for the first time ever I actually enjoyed it. I didn't know if every other time I read it or looked at it my heart was aching over that bitch Katherine I thought Romeo was a dick to go too all them extremes. But now reading it I could really relate why Romeo behaved the way he did he did all out of love. An great idea hit me and I weren't too sure if Siena will go for it but I have to see when she get home. I'm hoping she going to like it and I know just the person help me too vampire Barbie.

Siena P.O.V

The whole memorial really hit me watching each and every one of them hurt by the news of Bonnie death I couldn't even look at any of them, and it just made me feel a million times worse than I already felt. I know they came up with the lie of her bring Jer back had killed her but it didn't change the fact her actual murder was standing right there amongst her friend while they grieved for Bonnie. When Jer spoke on behalf of Bonnie all I wanted to do was walk away even more but if I did that the others could suspect something, when he spoke to me through Bonnie words saying "Siena we may not know each other for years but you became a true friend to me, you're a fighter Siena you never give up your more special than you know, you can make anything possible" I couldn't handle it anymore I couldn't be there so I walked away.

So much was going through my mind how could she be so nice to me after everything, the comment kept running around in my mind, Damon stopped me and of course he tried to calm me down like he always does. Even though he was talking to me the words Bonnie spoke spun around in my head "your more special than you know you can make anything possible" then it hit me maybe I could do something about my action maybe I could correct what I did. I mean everyone talks about how I'm this powerful new being so why couldn't I bring her back. Before Damon could even question me I sped off because I knew he would think I'm out of my mind, or it weren't possible to do but I had to know if this could happen if I could bring Bonnie back.

So made my way to New York using my speed I got there pretty quick kind of a blessing to be able to have this kind of speed. I began to walk down the street of where Tia Dalma shop was, I looked around I kind of missed New York in a way I mean everything you needed was literally there. Mystic Falls was a small town with hardly anything in it but it was Damon home though and a lot happened there too much history maybe in a few decades we could move back here.

I approached the door to her tiny shop and opened it and walked in once again the shop was empty of customer like each other time I came here and Tia Dalma wasn't in sight. I walked over and press the bell and after a few moments Tia Dalma came from her back smiling.

"I was expecting a visit from you" she spoke with a smile so she knew why I was here?

"So you know why I'm here?" She smirked and picked up a talisman from the rack on the counter.

"Yes...No....Maybe.... What is it you seek Siena?" Why was she talking in riddles? Tia Dalma was normally pretty straight forward kind of person.

"Ok...." She kept looking at me a little strange "Well I-I was wondering if there a possibility of bring someone back from the dead" She began to smile and indicated for me to follow her into the back room, I followed her into the room filled with candles she had a few crystal surrounding the candle all different types of colours I've never notice that before.

'Your Love Consumes Me' A Damon Salvatore Love Story.  Part Of The 'Epic Love Saga'Where stories live. Discover now