Kuon's Birthday Surprise!

Start from the beginning

"Beautiful Kyoko-chan!" Chef Tomo said admiring the work of art this young woman had created before his very eyes. He was amazed by her talent and skill, but still he had a kitchen to run.

"Now get to showing Kyoya the Gelee Au Vin. We want them set correctly and we need them done now." Kyoko bowed and was gone. He wondered how such a small girl could make such wonderful masterpieces and wondered if he could by any chance talk her into coming and working for him? But no she was an actress first and foremost he supposed. It really wouldn't surprise him if she wouldn't be competition for his Iron Chef title he was hoping for.

Kyoko wiped her brow quickly with the damp cloth before washing her hands. The kitchen was like a hive of activity, but was now slowly winding down which she was glad of. She had been here since 4am this morning unable to sleep. The rest of the hired help had arrived at 5am and she was thankful that it looked like it was all going to be ready in time. Looking at the clock on the wall she noted it was just after 10:30am. The guests should be arriving around 11:30 in time for Kuon who Kuu had promised to have back by 12 on the dot, though Kyoko slightly doubted he would. She jumped slightly as an empty biscuit tin was placed on the draining board beside her. It was one of the larger round tins. It had contained 5 layers of biscuits of the finest quality but now was awaiting its demise to be put out with the recycling she guessed as she stood looking at it. It took a few moments for the memory to surface, it was from a long time ago but still when she did remember she smiled. Grabbing the tin she walked over to the chef who smiled and nodded at her. She had been told she was free to leave now and they would finish the rest off easily. Kyoko nodded and left with the tin under her arm.

It was Jelly who found her half an hour later as she frantically searched for the woman she was supposed to be assisting with getting ready.

"Kyoko!" Jelly cried as she spotted the girl from the top of the stairs leaving the ballroom door which she closed behind her quietly. Her clothes were filthy, covered in flour and other food then on top of that a layer of dirt. "Where have you been? We need to get you washed and dressed! Quickly now!" Kyoko apologised as she ran up the stairs to join the little woman she loved . luckily Kyoko had already showered once so she was quickly in and out of her second shower of the had, before Jelly began her transformation on the girl.

"So is everything ready?" Jelly asked as she added the finishing touches to Kyoko's hair, Kyoko nodded slightly.

"I think it is." Kyoko smiled softly and Jelly nodded.

"Well Kuon's birthday will be magical by just seeing you." Kyoko blushed beautifully as Jelly chuckled, If only you knew...Kyoko thought as she refrained from touching her still tingling lips.

Kuu was good to his word. The clock hadn't long struck midday when he Kuon and Lory re-entered the mansion with Kuon now sporting a very beautiful, engraved pocket watch that his father had insisted upon even though Kuon had baulked a little at the price. Maybe Kyoko's rubbing off on me .. he had thought which had made him smile. Kuon was still thinking about going to find Kyoko when Lory called him from his musing.

"Come with me for a moment Kuon." Lory said when he walked towards the ballroom doors, opening them just as Kuon reached his shoulder.

He stepped aside so Kuon could experience fully what the four wonderful women had done for him. The room was light, bright and beautiful as Kuon stared at the collection of people who had cheered and applauded with the loud 'Happy Birthday Kuon!' as the door opened. He looked around the room at the close friends and family gathered there and smiled. There were tables around the room decorated in silver and white with cascading white lilies that added a beautiful scent to the room. A large buffet table with an ice sculpture of 2 twisting dragons entwined as the centrepiece. There was a small stage where a band he guessed would later play and a dance floor.

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