Back to the dwma

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You p.o.v
As I sat in steins class that day I couldn't help but think about what happened in france on our second to last day there. Three days previous we were there and we ran into madame lin and clarissa. Then when soul and i got to the top i was hit with the memory. Clarissa injected me with maximum black blood. As it sit there lost in thought stien throws a scapel at me. "Mrs (l/n), you and the twins were summoned to the death room, did you not here it over the intercom?" I shake my head no and quickly gather my things. I make my way down the steps and out the clasroom. Ethan and chase were leaning against the wall waiting for me. "Guys how come the rest of the gang isn't in class today?" They shrugged their shoulders and we began to walk to the death room. We knock on the door and it opens. We walk through the never ending rows of gulltiones.

When we reached the opening maka, soul, liz, patty, kid, tsubaki and soul were all standing there with serious looks on their faces looking at us. Soul calmly walks down grabs my hand and leads me out of the death room. Once outside he leads me down to the dungeon and puts me in the cell where my cousin crona once stayed. I walk over to the bed, grab the pillow and sit against the wall. I sigh once more and barry my face in the pillow, letting my tears slowly drip onto the pillow.

Souls p.o.v
After putting here in there I locked it. Lord death said that if we really wanted to help her then this is going to be the best way for her. I sit against the door and listen to her silently weep. I wanted to open the door but who knows when madame lin or clarissa could show up. I got up and made my way back to the death room. When I got there lord death was explaining to the twins what he did to us. I lounge against the gulltione pole and listen.

Chases p.o.v
After soul left with (y/n) close by, lord death called me and ethans attention. We both looked at him. "I already told kiddo, liz, patty, maka, soul, tsubaki and blackstar why they were called out of class. You two, your her partners and it's your responsibility to keep her safe, her being a witch doesn't mean she is feared, being arachne's daughter makes her an even bigger target, I'm locking her up till we know it's safe, all of you need to switch off duties going to the dungeon of the dwma." All of us nodded our heads. That's when soul came strolling in and leaned against the pole. "Also, ethan and chase, since your twins and she weilds the two of you, in order to become death scythes you need ninth nine kishin souls and one witch souls each."

We nod our heads and head out. We make our way down to the dungeon and too (y/n)s room. When we got there the door was open, we quickly rushed into her dungeon and saw a note on the pillow in the corner.

Dear incompetent meister and weapons
Clarissa and I have finally got the last part to our project, your precious (y/n) is now our black blood demon, leaving her there without protection was an idiotic idea, now she is with us, in order to have her back, I want something in return. Bring me the soul of lord death and you will have her back, when you finished the deed, meet me at the lab those two came and got (y/n) from three months ago
Sincerly madame lin and clarissa

I curse under my breath, ethan grabs the note and we run like hell back to the death room. On the way there we ran into the gang. They saw the note and we all ran back to the death room. Once inside and at the end of the hall we give the note to lord death. He sighs and looks at all of us. "Here are two options, you take a decoy soul and hope to trick them or you don't and do what you guys do best, take the hit and save your friend.

Makas p.o.v
The choice was obvious, we took the second object. We headed out the dwma, down the stairs and to gallows manor. Kid said he needed to stop for a minutes so he could get something. When we got to gallows manor he ran inside and then came back out. He had the charms (y/n) gave us for Christmas and handed it to us. "If we wear these maybe he magic property's she put in them will help us out" we nodded our heads and headed to the transportation circle. Upon arriving clarissa was there leaning against the pole. "Do you have it?" We got into fighting positions and glared at her "that's a no then" she smiles and snaps her fingers. Out of nowhere this field appears. "The only way to your friend is through me, not that it's going to matter anyway, she already is almost a full black blooded demon kishin, exactly three more human souls and you'll loose her forever, so the time is ticking."

That's when kid lost it, he began to shoot his compressed soul wavelengths from liz and patty at clarissa. She dodges each one with elegance and lands behind him. Before he could move she blasted him with her spell and falls over. That's when blackstar used enchanted sword mode. He used shadow star but then she dodged that too. She did the same thing she did to kid having both of them out for the count. That's when ethan used chase and began to clash with her, she dodged a few but also took a few hits. They resonated their souls and made her bleed. But some how she managed to knock them out to. That left soul and i. "Maka, let's use witch hunter, maybe it will kill her and we can save (y/n) before it's too late!" I nod my head. "Lets go soul resonance, legendary skill of the scythe meister, witch hunter!" It cuts her in half leaving her soul the last thing remaining.

Once she finished disintegrating we couldn't believe our eyes, she wasn't a witch. Just an advanced kishin. Soul ate her soul. That's when the charms started to glow. It healed all of our friends. This could help in the fight against madame lin and (y/n). We all smile and jump through the teleportation circle. We know how to save kairi before coming a kishin.

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