Black hearts

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Your p.o.v
Flash back
Right before we went to the party the twins pulled me aside and told me something. "We don't know if your aware of this or not but your blood Is permantly black." I started to tremble, I only thought it was in my system, I'm a black blood demon now.
Flashback over

When I woke up everyone was pacing back and forth and trying to figure out different ways to save or fix me. While they were distracted I quickly ran to the bathroom only catching chases eye. Before I shut the door he rushed in the bathroom tackling me to the floor. "(y/n) what are you thinking?" I stared at him and lowered my head.

"Chase I'm a monster, I'm a black blood demon, the final phase starts when my sanity completely goes" he slapped me and then yelled at me. "Don't say that! We will fix you, no matter if it cost our life's!" I start to shed a few tears and he embraces me in his arms. "Remember when we met in the alley way? How you took us in knowing what we did?" I nodded my head yes. "We accepted who we all were, nothing is going to change that no matter what you are" I cry into his chest and let all my emotions out.

"I just don't want to hurt anyone!" He rubs my back and tries to calm me down. Before I let my consciousness go I told chase something. "Chase... don't ever change.... OK?" And with that I was out.

Chases p.o.v
I smile at her and then pick her up. For someone who is supposed to have a black heart she is still the same nieve, sweet, compassionate, fiesty Meister. Just as I exit the bathroom Ethan comes running around the corner. "Yo, when we all looked you and (y/n) were gone, we thought she kidnapped you"

This made me laugh. "Ethan let's slip out and get her home OK?" He nods his head and we grab (y/n)s keys and make our exit through the back door. We walk around to the front and get in the car. I lay (y/n) in the back seat and I sit upfront with Ethan.

Souls p.o.v
As we searched the house for Ethan, chase and (y/n) we finally got a text from chase.

Chase✌: Ethan and I took (y/n) home, nobody is in danger
Maka👌: now you tell us!?! We were scared half to shit
Soul😈: that is my girlfriend you have! Don't be so reckless, if Lord death our anyone finds out about what happened tonight were totally dead meat!
Chase✌: soul chill she is fine and no one got caught
Soul😈: fine but I'll be over there tomorrow!!!
Chase✌: okay night!

Maka and I put our phones away and look to kid. "Can we stay here for the night since our ride home left?" He nods his head yes and maka follows him to his bedroom. I pretend barf in my mouth and make my way to the guest bedroom. I plop on the bed and fall asleep. That night I dreamt about (y/n).

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