School Horrors

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Kids p.o.v
As class begun stien came walking in and said that today we would be practicing the art of dual resonance again. So we all got into our groups and headed outside. We went into the forest and found separate spots to practice in. Liz and patty transformed and so did tsubaki. Chase, Ethan and maka had to sit out because of the incident that occurred this morning.

They all sat under the tree and watched. "Blackstar, don't mess this up, are two strongest tram mates aren't available so keep your focus in this resonance" blackstar smirked. "What kind of God would I be if I wasn't able to surpass maka or (y/n), after all they are just both crybabies" when blackstar finished his sentence chase stood up.

"Blackstar shut the hell up, (y/n) I'd way stronger then you and you know it!" Blackstar just looked at him and smirked again. "Well then chase, prove your Meister's strengths and fight me" so that's exactly what he did. All chase did was walk up to blackstar and punched him in his face. Then blackstar knocked out.
Chases p.o.v
After punching blackstar in the face, I feel better. I walk back over to the tree and grab maka and ethans hands. "I'm tired of doing nothing let's go check on them" they nod their heads and then kid shot at us.

I turn around and he had a serious look on his face. "stien said not to go in there, now come back and practice" we reluctantly agree and sit under the tree. Five minutes later blackstar woke up and he was grumpy. Kid and blackstar then begun to do dual resonance both of their souls were very large. As we sit there maka begins to cry.

Ethan and I comfort her and ask what's wrong. "Well it's my fault, if I would of..." I cut her off. " If it's anyone fault it's mine, I should of gave her the medicine but I forgot it's all my fault" Ethan stood up and looked at us.

A few seconds later the bell rings and we all head off to our next class. "Hey, let's ditch and head over to the dispensary" and that's what we did.

When we got there stien was bandaging souls head. Soul then stood up and looked our way. Maka freaked out and jumped him. Screaming and yelling at him. Then soul apologized and look to stien, the main factor was (y/n). She was still dead to the world.

Souls p.o.v
As maka jumped me my head started to spin. I had woke up twenty minutes prior to their arrival. That's when maka stood up and looked over to my love. She was still asleep. That's when I called everyone's attention.

"I'm going to the bbr (black blood room) to save (y/n), the little demon is playing games." They all nod their heads and sit in the chair stien prepared for me. I focused my attention on the bbr and that's when it appeared. That's when I saw her.

Madame lins p.o.v
Soul Evans is a key part of my plan, the deeper he dwells in the black blood room the more he joins his little girl toy

Demons Revamped (Sequal To Forever With My Demons Soul X Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz