
687 22 3

Your p.o.v
I woke up at three o clock because I couldn't sleep. I felt all kinds of weird so I went to the bathroom. When i splashed water in my face some girl appeared in the mirror. "Child, what memory do you desire most? The one of your brother and bestfriend or the one of your boyfriend and weapons?" The thing I desire the most. I had thought about it. My weapons and boyfriend can wait. I want to remember my brother and my best friend. "I desire the memories of my bestfriend and brother". She nods her head and shoots a box of light at me and that's when all the memories of maka and kid started to come back to me. The ones I chose to remember are the ones I missed the most. I recovered from the blast and ran to the phone.

I was going to call maka and then kid. I dial makas number and wait for her to pick up. She spoke in a worried voice. "Chase, ethan is she ok? Is that why your calling so early?" I giggled and then took a deep breath in and out. "Maka it's (y/n) i remembered you and kid when i was washing my face in the bathroom." I heard the phone click and several seconds later there were pounds on the door. I opened it and maka jumped me. "Oh, I'm so glad you remembered me!" I giggle and look at her. "How could I not remember my best friend in the whole wide world!" She giggles and helps me up. "Soul is asleep what about the twins" I nod my head yes that they were asleep. "Good, we're kidnapping the car go grab two pairs of flip flops and your car keys" I giggled and went to my room. I slipped on the pink pair and gave the blue pair to maka. "I'll drive, I don't want you spacing out if you remember something" I sigh and head down to the car.

Makas p.o.v
We head down to the car in our pajamas and hopped in the car. Then I dialed kid and put it on Bluetooth so (y/n) could hear the conversation. It rang and rang and then kid finally picked it up. "Babe, what's the matter is 3:30 in the morning what's up?" I take a deep breath and look over to (y/n). "Hey, I'm on my way to your house
(y/n) remembered me and you" "say no more I'll be waiting outside" I hung up and caught her up on the latest gossip. When we reached kids house he was waiting outside and we got out of the car and greeted him. "She called me 45 minutes ago telling me what happened. I was so happy that I ran to her apartment and jumped her" kid giggles and (y/n) said it hurt.

Kid and (y/n) caught up and they were acting like brother and sister again, just like they always did before any of this happened. Kid went back inside and we headed back to the apartment complex. When we got there she headed up to her apartment and I headed towards mine. "See you later, sleep well" she nods her head yes and smiles. I walk back into my apartment and headed back to bed. I'm glad I have my bestie back.

????? P.o.v
"Naive children, giving her the memories back will only put her a step closer to driving her insane, just you wait"

Demons Revamped (Sequal To Forever With My Demons Soul X Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon