Chapter 26

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Though, they hadn't quite arrived at what was technically the next stage of the plan....

The clones were acting as if they were the real Chuck and Alice. Everything seemed perfectly normal in the maze. Unfortunately for the glade things wouldn't stay that way much longer.

The clone of Alice ran into the maze. If WICKED wanted Alice dead, she wanted it to be by her own hands as opposed to theirs. Thus, the clone, well more so robot designed to look like Alice, was entering the next phase of the plan. That phase being 'Alice' killing herself.

Eventually 'Alice' came across a griever. She screamed at it, poked at it, she tried all sorts of things to provoke the foul beast. Much to her dismay, the creature was not reacting how she wanted it to. More so, it wasn't reacting at all.

Meanwhile back in the glade Newt and 'Chuck' were panicking out of their minds at Alice's sudden disappearance. They figured by now she must have run into the maze.

If she isn't back by the time the runners get back she is a goner. Both Newt and 'Chuck' knew this. Neither of them wanted to admit it though. Neither of them wanted to fathom the idea of Alice having basically attempted suicide.

Soon the runners returned and the Doors closed. Too devastated to speak, 'Chuck' explained to Alby what had happened. Newt went to bed.

'Chuck' and Alby discussed the idea of convincing Newt that Alice never existed. That he dreamed up her existence when he went to sleep the night she had come up.

They decided they would say Chuck was the greenie that had come up. They would act as if Alice's month of being the greenie never happened. They figured it was for the best.

Though, neither Alice nor 'Alice were dead yet. Alice's clone had yet to succeed in killing herself. The grievers refused to react to her presence. She felt discouraged. She then noticed the vines continued out where she was in the maze as well.

She gripped the vines as tight as she could. She used all of her strength to pull herself higher and higher. The slightest shimmer of morning light shines over her as she reached the top of the wall.

'Alice' then let go of the vines. Allowing herself to plummet to the maze floor. As she fell she whispered, "I love you Chuck."

The sound of her body hitting the ground was horrifying. No one was around to hear it. The closest living things to her were the grievers and she knew the sound meant nothing to them.

Even though he couldn't hear the sound, it meant everything to Newt. Alby and Chuck's plan went smoothly. Newt was eager to rid himself of any grief. If she didn't exist why would he grieve her?

Things continued in the Glade as if Alice never existed. The following day Thomas came up in the box.

But, what was happening in glade, in the maze, mattered very little to the real Alice and Chuck. They were together, and they were safe. That is all that really mattered to them. That's all they cared about.

Alice's mother soon returned to work leaving the two lovebirds to their own devices. She wished them the best of luck and went on her merry way to continue the search for a cure.

Alice and Chuck were safe. Alice and Chuck were happy. They couldn't ask for anything more in life. They couldn't ask for a happier ending. But then again, they didn't want one. They wanted what they had, nothing more and nothing less. And that is what they received.
Hey guys! It's me the author! I hoped you enjoyed this story! That is the end. If you guys want a sequel about Chuck and Alice's life together or something let me know in the comments! Once again I hope you all enjoyed! Thank you so much for all the reads! It makes me so happy to know people actually like and are reading my story! Bye!

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