Chapter 22

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Boy, were they gonna need it.
Metal clicking. The sound of nails on a chalkboard. Bouncing from wall to wall into Alice's ears. The sounds got louder.

Alice was not afraid. She refused to be afraid of the monsters. She was afraid of them for long enough. She didn't even blink as the creature turned and faced her.

A thick, yellow, oil like, liquid oozed from the creature. It had spiny, rough hairs lining it's back. It had large long metal teeth. Tiny beady black eyes. Metal spikes out  of the creature to form what was presumably legs. Two of which were longer than the rest looking similar to pincers. The pincers were lined with needles.  Gears could be seen through the creature's transparent blubber like skin.

Overall the best word to describe this creature was disgusting. It was truly grotesque and terrifying. But Alice refused to be afraid.

Alice refused to show fear. Refused to have fear. The maze had been fed enough of it. Alice was done. She walked up to the creature.

"Just take me away!" Her scream echoed around the maze and into the creature's operating system. Alice just wanted it to all be over. She wanted an end.

The creature charged at her. Alice didn't not move she closed her eyes and waited for the sweet release of death. It never came. The creature stopped. Not even two feet in front of her.

"What are you waiting for? I just want to die!" I response to her screams and pleas for death the creature turned around and walked away.

"No! Come back and let me die!" Alice's scream echoed through the maze after the creature. It continued to walk away.

"Please," she begged. Sobs wracked through her body. She let the tears shake her entire body. She just wanted everything to end. The maze was killing her anyway. She figured she might as well beat it to the punch. Alice made it back to the false and climbed the vines on the wall. She climbed as high as they would go. She then proceeded to let go.

"I love you Chuck," she whispered as she made her descent. Death was very much so welcomed by Alice. It was all she wanted.
Alice woke up as she hit the ground in her dream. Her face was hot and sticky with tears. The sun was rising anyway so there was no point in even trying to go back to sleep now. She just got up and ready for the day as if nothing had happened.

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