Chapter 15

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She decided she would apologize to Newt the morning, becauset it was partly her fault.
Alice woke up calmly from her quiet, dreamless sleep. A dreamless night was a wonderful thing. Sure, it meant she didn't get to remember an event of her past, but is that really a bad thing?

It is really that bad not to have to relive the bad things that cloud her past. Is it really that bad to miss out on remembering more happy moments, brief stints of light amidst the darkness?

Alice wasn't sure frankly, she just decided if she had a dream yay, and if she didn't that was fine too...

Alice quickly freshened up and skipped off to breakfast, ready to eat some food. Her stomach was growling louder than the rumbling of the Doors closing at night.

She grabbed her plate of eggs and bacon and sat down next to Newt. She ate quickly so she would be able to talk to Newt before he went to work.

Luckily, Alice finished before Newt. "N-Newt, I am sorry about the other day... I should've just listened to you really quick I suppose... I really am sorry," Alice said all of this letting sorrow and regret worm their way through her voice and into Newt's ears.

"I am sorry to, I suppose I reacted harshly...." Newt allowed his voice to trail off. Alice's eyes lit up at the sound of Newt's apology. The two smiled at each other.

Alice wrapped her tiny arms around Newt's shoulders right as he was standing up. Alice climbed and repositioned herself to be sitting on Newt's shoulders.

The two sped off. Everything was back to normal in the glade. Their little ray of sunshine has been un-muted. Alice and Newt are now friends again.

Though, obviously nothing in the glade was normal. Even if it was what they considered normalcy, something was going to happen soon enough.

At this point they had about two weeks until the next greenie... Alice was excited. Part of her hoped the next would be Chuck, but another didn't.

The part that didn't want it to be Chuck, had a good point. Alice didn't want Chuck to be stuck in this prison.

But, at least Chuck would be stuck with Alice. Alice would be able to hug and hold him again. Alice longed for him to hold her again. She craved just the mere warmth of his presence.

She felt hollow and empty inside without his touch, his embrace, his warmth. Alice missed feeling his love in person. Alice felt dead inside without it.

This thought process has corrupted her otherwise happy mood. She had been cheerful, warm, and full of hope. Now her expression had turned solemn and cold.

Newt noticed this and tried to get Alice to talk to him about it. She wouldn't budge. As much as she wanted to tell someone, anyone everything that was happening to her, her mind, she couldn't.

Her mouth couldn't form the words, let alone her brain string them together effectively. There were no combination of words imaginable to describe everything Alice was feeling.

She was slightly jealous of the glader's not having these dreams, not having the pain and suffering being forced back into their systems all at once.

Yet, she also felt bad for them. She got to remember some of the good times too. She was grateful for happy memories, but the horrible ones stung.

She couldn't stand to think about it any longer. She simply said she was fine and put on a fake smile.

Newt saw right through it but decided not to push Alice's buttons again. Alice was glad Newt was leaving it at that. The two continued their day like any other, half work half play.
Thank you guys so much for nearly 900 reads!!! Eeeeek!! I love you guys! See ya next chapter bye!

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