" hyung.." Hansol said tapping my shoulder. I pried my eyes from the stars seeing everyone heading into the building a soaked looking Joshua leading. That should be me.

Instead of replying I just follows everyone. The smell was horrible and it was freezing. There weren't many people which is actually a good thing. My group stopped at the desk and I made my way to the front. I was going to ask for Jeonghan and Dino but the CEO came from a back hall way with a doctor dressed head to toe in gear.

" boys their you are come and sit so we can talk to you all." The CEO said motioning us to sit in the waiting chairs. I clenched my fist feeling nervous. I kept my eyes to the floor not brave enough to look up.

" well boys, Lee Chan seemed to have some internal bleeding going on and a nasty infection on his leg, he seemed to have lost a lot of blood and was extremely dehydrated along with Mr. Yoon." My heart was pounding to the point I could barely here the doctor speaking. I felt a hand slip over and into my own and looked up to see minghao and Hun looking over to me weakly.

" we're prepping him for surgery now so he can't take any visitors but at this moment in time his chances of coming out okay are very high." The doctor finished. Sighs of relief were heard from most of the members and I couldn't help a small smile forming.

" what about Jeonghan?" Joshua asked looking pale.

" other than dehydration and a concussion he's fine." The doctor said smiling," now if you'll excuse me I need to go help prep your friend for surgery." The doctor left not waiting for and answer.

" I'm so happy. I thought it was going to be something way worse." Dk said rubbing his eyes. A few members nodded.

" when Seungcheol said bad I thought he meant like de-" Hoshi tried to say.

" don't say that word, Dino is still going to be in surgery and something could go wrong. We all just need to prey." Joshua said looking at me. I nodded but I had to do something first.

" are we allowed to visit Jeonghan?" I asked our CEO to which he nodded saying yes.

" go ask the desk lady his room number and you can go see him." He said patting my back. I nodded and stood to walk to the desk.

" um excuse me ma'am what room number is Yoon Jeonghan?" I asked politely.

" wow your all here for him? He's got so many visitors. Even his sister is here. He's a very loved boy." She said smiling at her computer but I stood frozen. Sister? Since when did he have a sister?

" Ma'am what room is he?" I said in a scared tone. It barely came out as started looking around. The boys were in a conversation with the CEO all the nurses seemed to be gone besides the front desk lady. No one was paying attention at all.

" 127 right down the hall." She said pouting opposite the front doors. I never walked faster in my life.



I felt like I wasn't myself anymore, like someone was controlling me. I've never had blackouts before but this is definitely like one. In the room was two beds the one closest to the door was surrounded with curtains while the other had my target in it. I walked closer to the bed rage fueling my body. All patients I had gone, which I don't think I had much of anyway. I stared down at the sleeping form. He looked absolutely gorgeous even in this condition and it pissed me off.

" wake the hell up!" I growled kicking his bed. His eyes fluttered and he looked around confused. When his eyes met mine they widened. He literally paled two shades and I chuckled.

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