I stood there terrified, waiting for Liam to get up, but he never got up. Niall stood over Liam’s body and lightly kicked it over – Liam as dead. Niall let out a breath that I assumed he had been holding for a long while. Niall began turning towards me,

“H-Harry?” I heard his Irish voice say as he starred at me.

“What the fuck did you do!?” I shrieked as I ran past Niall and slumped down to Liam’s cold and bloodied face, “You fucking killed Liam!” I couldn’t stop screaming due to the mass amount of emotional pain that erupted inside of me. Niall’s voice started polluting the air, but it wasn’t coherent. My mind was elsewhere. I wasn’t paying attention to Niall at all.

I was so focused on Liam’s dead body that I didn’t realize Niall was trying to my body up off of Liam’s,

“Get the fuck off of me!” I screamed as I pushed at Niall’s chest with such a force that made him fall over, “I should kill you right fucking now!” I continued screaming. My body was trembling and tears were pouring down my cheeks. I continued to rant as I walked closer to Niall, who in return was crawling away.

“I should’ve let him die in the hospital.” I whispered, stopping myself from nearing Niall anymore, “But no, instead I saved him.” Niall started to stand as I spoke my words, his eyes scanning me confusingly.


“I fucking saved Zayn. I fucking saved him for you!” I started screaming again. I wanted to jump on Niall and kill him for killing the boy who I loved as a brother – my best friend.

“You…” Niall slowly started, but I interrupted him,

“Don’t speak. I have no words for you.” I said as I walked past him, hitting my shoulder into his. I felt him turn around but I didn’t bother looking back. I had only one place in mind and I needed to get there. Get there quickly.

[Zayn’s POV]

A week past after my ‘awakening’ as the doctors put it, and today was the day I was allowed to leave for home, granted it was three in the morning right now. I sat on my end of my hospital bed, eyeing the corner of the room. I knew Harry had fixed me – I knew he hid in that exact corner and ran away. Harry was evil. Harry was a murderer. Harry was a villain. So then why did he save me?

“Are you ready to go home, Mr. Malik?” A tired doctors voice called into my room. I tilted my head away from the room’s corner and nodded slowly. I grabbed the bag of my things that had ben brought to the room, however, I haven’t a clue how they were brought here. I followed the doctor down the darkened corridor and walked behind him as we travelled down the stairs and through the front doors of the hospital. The town was so different at three in the morning. It was so quiet, so hushed.

“Just follow me.” The doctor said as he walked along the dark pavement with his heels making a solid tapping sound with every step he took. I followed him once more, my heels making no such tap against the pavement. We arrived to his car and I sat in the passenger’s seat as he started the car up. I told him the address of my home and he simply nodded and began driving – not needing any guidance whatsoever.

Eventually he pulled up to my home and nodded as I muttered my ‘thank you’ to him for driving me home at such a late hour. Even though I had slept the majority of the past week, I was exhausted and wanted to sleep in my own bed. I unlocked the door and closed it behind me, flicking the main light on. I examined my home and smiled. It had felt like forever since I’ve been in here last. I dropped the bag I had been holding on at the front door and walked further in my house. I turned down the hallway that led to my bedroom. The door was open, but the light was off. I slowly walked down and the hardwood of the floor creaked as I continued walking. As I continued to creak on the hardwood, my room illuminated with the small light from what I assumed was my bedside table’s lamp.

Normally, I would’ve been terrified but my body was too exhausted and it took too long for me to process that my house was empty and my lamp on my table had turned on by itself – well, that’s what I had thought. When I entered my bedroom I shakily turned to face my bed and saw a body sitting in it with the covers pulled up to hide half of their face, however, I could see their eyes.

The body gasped and dropped the covers. My tired eyes focused on the face of the person in my bed and my heart started pounding as it swelled up. I felt tears of total bliss form on my waterline. There was no way I could confuse the big blue eyes, the dirty blond hair or the adorable face of the person sitting in my bed with anyone else. I couldn’t help but to smile as I stood in the middle of my bedroom looking at Niall.

“Niall.” I smiled, walking to my bed, falling down beside him, crying into my pillow.

“Zaynie!” He cried out in happiness, wrapping his arms around me tightly, crying into my shoulder.

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I don't know. The gif at the side is adorable. No relevance to chapter. Haha.


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