She let out a sigh, "Stop, seriously, you can't go around two timing women...though you probably did more than two time. You put such a shame to that beautiful face of yours, but then again, it isn't all about the exterior beauty, is it?"

I felt my grin fall, what the hell? I actually felt a pang of shame. I immediately let my hands fall from her head and stepped back. But I recovered soon enough and put a smile back on my face, "I don't two time, never did, never will. I don't do dating, it's all one night stands, all the women know that. Anyway I just wanted to help the new "girl." Can you blame a guy, especially when she's so hot?"

She turned around and closed her locker. Would you look at that, she has chains on her shoulder bag too. Before I knew it, the words left my mouth, "Is your name chains, or something? You got an awfully lot on you. That little cuff ear ring, those sexy shorts, boots, and backpack, too?"

She laughed, "Close, last name's Chainz, with a z." The bell rang and off she went. Darn I let her go again. Those hips man...swing right, swing left, swing right, swing left....I need to go get laid...and go to my second period.


*~~Alice's POV~~*

They serve nicer meals here in Alerion College than they did in the one I was in, how nice. It got a little cold so I put my jacket back on and my hair down. Funny how people call me a slut when they wear less than I do. It's ok, I won't let it get to me, I'm a big girl now and I shouldn't care about another person's opninion.

I saw a seat next to a cute, nerdy type of guy and asked him if I could sit. His eyes widened but he let me. I stretched a hand out, "Nice to meet you, I'm Alice Chainz, just transferred here. Thank you for letting me sit here."

The guy smiled, "No problem, I'm Jared Whitney, nice to meet you Alice. Welcome to Alerion College, hope you enjoy it here."

We started chatting about random things and then the bell rang, Jared is a really adorable person! Before I headed to my locker I told Jared that he was cute. He blushed a bit and said thank you and we parted separate ways to our own 5th period. He really is adorable.

~Last Period of Alice's Day~

I won't lie, this new college isn't that bad. I mean it's actually good, just that I don't like Chase. But you know what, I shouldn't let him get to me, it's my third year of college and I'm not going to let it get ruined by some player.

Oh dear, just great. Oh well, got to suck it up and face reality, Chase is in my last period of the day. At least I can sit somewhere else, since there's more chairs and empty tables. Oh it's Jared! I send a little wave at him and he smiles at me and pats on the chair next to him. Of course, I take the seat next to him, I mean he's the only guy I know and plus he's pretty cool and adorable.

Unfortunately, I guess this class doesn't have a seating order as Chase sat on the table next to Jared and me. Chase winked at me, "Hey sexy, this is just awesome. I start my Mondays with your sexy face, and end it with your beautiful face." I rolled my eyes and Jared grimaced, he had pity in his eyes, "You want to trade seats?"

I shook my head and smiled at his thoughtfulness, "No thanks, he'd probably just move." Jared nodded and took off his glasses. I reached for them and wore them, "You know Jared, you look actually hot without glasses. The glasses actually just make you look cuter."

Jared shook his head with a smile on his lips, "A guy feels offended when he gets called cute. But I'm not going to switch to contacts just to look hot. Now give me my glasses." He said as he tried to reach for them, but I had other ideas as I moved my head farther from his hands. "No, I like them on my face."

Jared laughed and gave up, "You know you look cute with glasses, Alice, but I don't want you damaging your eyes. Trust me, you're better off without glasses." I gave a playful pout, but brought my face closer to his hands, so he can take them.

*~~Chase's POV~~*

I felt jealous, actually jealous! Can you f*****g believe it?! I don't f*****g do jealousy, but this vixen actually managed to trigger such a stupid feeling! All because of that Jared and his glasses. She called him cute, while I got cocky player. I'm not I? Whatever, maybe I should get glasses and she would wear my glasses. At least I know her name now, Alice Chainz...perfect for my sexy, confident, beautiful vixen.


My college day is now over, I can go home now...but I just want to see my vixen one last time. Motherf****r, she's walking with Jared again! Oh yes, he's leaving and she's opening her locker. I decide to open my locker too, that way I can press my front against her back. When I press against her to open my locker, she sighs, "Chase, can you please get off me?"

"But Alice my locker is right on top of yours, and I need to get my Chemistry textbook."

The little vixen shook her head, "Right, that's your locker. That's a nice excuse but go to your actual locker." I proved her wrong when I opened it, and gave her a "See?" look. She smiled, "I guess you win on this one, sorry. But do we need our chemistry textbook? The professor didn't say anything, did he?"

I got off her and shoved the textbook in my backpack, "Yeah we need it, the assignment is page 190, sections 1-3. Did they give you your textbook yet?"

"No they haven't...I guess I can call Jared for——" I didn't give her time to finish her sentence as I kissed her fullmouth, oh that soft, velvet tongue.

I ripped my lips from hers, "Give me your phone."

She got really mad and was about to slap me, but I held her hands up, "Tell me where's your phone or else we can stay like this all day."

Alice rolled her eyes, "My butt pocket, let me go, I don't want you touching me there."

I debated this over my head, touch her ass and make yourself more of an ass or let her do it with the chances of getting away. I decided that I should not make myself seem more of an ass than I really am, so I let her go, but placed my hands on either side of her head. Alice handed me her phone, she even unlocked the screen. I smiled, "You're really trusting, why?"

"Well I don't have any secrets in my phone...I don't know? Why am I trusting you with my phone, give it back." Alice then tried to grab her phone from my grasp, I held it high above her and punched in my number and called my cell. I gave her back her phone with a grin, "Thanks babe, but don't hesitate to call me. I'll help you with your needs too, if you know what I mean." I gave her a wink, too and she shook her head. Alice snatched her phone with a smile, "Thanks, now if you'll excuse me, I'm about to be late to work."

I watched Alice walk away, hips swinging, before she left, she waved at me and I smiled and sent her a air kiss. Of course Alice rolled her eyes but smiled.

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