}{ Chapter Nineteen }{

Start from the beginning

He stopped, Finny bumped into him. "This is where we split up. You take upstairs, Finny and I can take downstairs."

You nodded your head, "Okay. What do I do if I find Ciel?"

"Bring him back to me without a scratch on his body or you'll have me to deal with."

You didn't know if you were more frightened by the fact that Ciel might die soon or by Sebastian's threats. "Don't worry, I'll bring your boy home."

What you said flew right over Sebastian's head. "We're already in his home."

You sighed, "It's all good Bassy. I got this."

Sebastian rolled his eyes, "I do hope you take this more seriously when your life is at stake." He turned his back to you and walked away.

"It's alright [f/n], I'm sure Ciel's just fine." Finny smiled and walked in the other direction.

You walked up the nearest stairwell quietly, listening for any footsteps. There were none. You put your ear against every door in the hallway until you heard someone cough. You smiled to yourself, Idiots, you thought. You approached the room where the coughing came from.

"Why ain't we leaving yet?" A man's gruff voice echoed through your ears.

"I don't know, the kid in charge has something else he needs to take care of." Another man's voice spoke.

"I heard he has a thing for one of the maids. I saw one of them too, and let me tell you, they are pretty-" He never finished his sentence because you had stabbed him with your sword.

You pulled your weapon out of the man's body and looked at the other two goons in the room. "I hope he was going to say 'pretty beautiful'." You looked down at the bleeding man, "I guess we'll never know."

The two men rushed towards you. You sighed, you didn't have time for this. You quickly took care of the first man by smashing a vase against his head. Then you ran towards the other man. He threw a punch. You grabbed his fist and twisted his arm behind his back. You held your blade to his neck. "Where is my Master?"

"You use that term in bed girly?" The man chuckled.

You pressed your blade against his neck harder. "Funny. Now where is he before I slice your neck open and see what you're made of."

The man gulped. "I don't know lady. The kid took him somewhere." You pressed harder. "Seriously girly, I don't know."

You sighed and spun him around. You gave him a quick flesh wound before whispering in his ear, "Find all your other little buddies and get the hell out of my house. Or do you want to end up like your other two friends?" The man nodded his head and ran out the door.

You looked at the bloody mess on the ground. "I'm really gonna be pissed if Sebastian makes me clean this up." You spoke out loud.

You exited the room and continued to walk down the hall. You saw a cane leaning against the door to Ciel's study. You picked it up and listened.

"You'll never get away with this. Sebastian will come and-" Ciel was cut off.

"Oh shut up. I'm not here for Sebastian. Anyways, I sent my best men after him so you probably won't be hearing from him anytime soon."

You shook your head, Jasper really has underestimated Ciel's servants, you thought.

You heard Ciel let out a little laugh. Then you heard him moan. Jasper had just punch him. Fear exploded throughout your body, Sebastian is going to be mad at me.

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