1. august 24

390 15 0

april stood in front of the large gates that would be welcoming her to her future.

lucian van pierro university.

quite the obnoxious name for a college, in april's opinion.

the only reason it was gated was because its so fucking prestigious and wanted to look like some clean cut image out of an encyclopedia.

also another opinion of april's.

she didn't even know why the hell she was there.

she'd applied.

they'd accepted.

not because of her, but because her dad's alumni.

and he was dead.

he'd died 3 months prior to her applying.

it was a last minute thing.

she was coping.

but only barely.

she felt dead on the inside.

she couldn't feel anything.

however, she'd do what she could.

so she stepped into the gates.

everything was vintage looking.

sort of like they ripped it all out of a history textbook.

april had a piece of paper in her hands; it stated her dorm room number and what building along with a map.

she walked the campus grounds, searching for the building.

she also made note of all the people around her.




no one somewhat normal.

april was smart.

she was somewhat pretty.

kind of nice.

hated everyone.


she didn't belong there.

but she made do with what she had.

and respected her father's dreams for her.

she found her dorm room, and she put all her things away, completely ignoring the fact she could end up having a roommate.

at this point, she no longer cared.

she fell asleep.

it wasn't a deep sleep.

but it was deep enough to let her dream of something that wasn't realistic.

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