In seconds we were in another place from where they were. I smelled the air, confirming that we were still in pack grounds, but the constant growling and battle screams were out of the way.

Dayton, Dayton was no where to be seen. It left me wondering if I could beat her alone. Norman, I still didn't knew if I battled his physical form or a shadow of himself, and with Mason I still didn't faced him head on to know about his abilities.

I just can't back down, this was my pack they were attacking after all. My eyes were pitch black and fixed on her neck.

I growled loudly. Her expression changed drastically as she ran to me, and in that moment she shifted to her copper brown wolf, clawing at me. I ducked low and in that same momentum I went to her neck with my jaws. She jumped to the side and went to tackled me.

I didn't gave her the satisfaction of doing it, so I also went with a tackle of myself, resulting in a great impact from both of us.

I could have hear the slight 'pang' of our heads as an intense headache went to me, earning a yelp from me and Tarina shaking her head. At that moment I took advantage and ran to her. Raising my right paw, I extended my claws and went to her face, satisfaction went it withdrew blood.

She whinned but quickly faced me, promising death in her eyes. What caught my attention to its fullest was that her damage to the face, even though the blood was there, it had a strange thickness to it. The same as the liquid she made earlier.

It took me by surprise as that same strange thickness went spreading from her paws, looking at me with a sick, derange, malicious, grin. Soon enough it was at her same height, which in comparison to mine it was short, still I couldn't keep my guard down.

In a blink of an eye, she started to make sphere like projectiles from her strange liquid, while it began spreading out even more.

I was in shock, definitely nervous now, but I won't give her the satisfaction. Running towards her at my top speed, she started blasting the sphere like projectiles as she growled. I dodge them easily. The floor was getting damped by the thickness of it, but that didn't stopped me.

Once I was near her, going to bite her neck, in a swift motion, the strange liquid raised up, trapping me in it. Anger and frustration hit me as I was elevated and couldn't move, but one emotion was definitely barricading my mind. Fear.

I tried to thrust my limbs away from the liquid, the more I tried, the more I got stick to it.

"You must be wondering what is this strange liquid that I caught you in" she said as she shifted back, her crisp blue eyes trained on me as she passed a hand through her hair. Her face bruise from my slash was still there but it began healing.

"It must feel desperate and crazy with the need to move but simply you can't" I went to growl at her, but with a mere move from her right hand, the liquid made a restraint around my snout, shutting me. My growling, my snapping, and my yelping.

As hard as I wanted to admit, I was trapped and I didn't had the strength to face this new enemy. Since her abilities were beyond mine. Well at least not werewolf like.

"Lovely Leslie, Alpha of Mountain Ash. Successor of Alessandra, The Flaming Princess. Tell me, since I can't kill you, but surely I can break your body till it's for no need and complete uselessness. Tell me, how does it feel, to be scared" she said as she walked to me, as her liquid was lowering to a good height in which she could touch my fur. I was looking at her with wide eyes, the need to kill her deep in my blood.

"Oh it must feel wonderful. In case you were wondering what is this stuff. I'll tell you. My blood feeds of the death energy of any living being coming to its final minute. When that happens, my blood can get itself black and thick like a snail's slime. It can be poisonous to those who aren't strong, take any formation I desire add to that, it can replicate and make more of it" she began walking back, my eyes trained on her back.

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