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  This is the year of 2134, and life on earth has changed. We humans always need to draw the line between our limits and total chaos. But we chose to ignore that line, instead, we decided to go on with our power hungry life, which proved to be our downfall. 

  We believed we were immortal, so we developed the nova crystal, a powerful weapon that could grant it's holder immense power. However, our bodies couldn't hold such a power, so we built an android, and dubbed her Eve. Then we began developing more Nasod, making Eve queen. However, we made the Nasod too advanced. They turned every country against each other, spreading lies that each country would be attacked. The Nasod watched with malicious delight, and when the time was right, swooped down on us. We were captured and forced to be batteries for their power, too weak and inferior to do anything. The Nasod queen, Eve, showed no mercy on those who defied her rules, the punishment was immediate deletion. We hoped and prayed on God for salvation, and salvation came. 

  The Akuri, as they called themselves, were creatures from another dimension. They fought for us and manged to overthrow Eve. We were overjoyed, the Akuri promised us a better life, and we believed them. Not once did we think of where they came from, or what they had in store for us. We hadn't realized that salvation was only a nightmare in disguise.

   Some scientists became suspicious, including myself, when children became disappearing. We voiced our suspicions, and was granted permission to build an underground base, one in each continent. A decade later the bases were complete, and right on time too. The Akuri sensed our escape and attacked us. We sent in the children in first, and then the scientists. The Akuri, enraged at our attempts, attacked the bases, causing each base's force field to activate, powered by a shard of the Nasod queen's heart, the nova crystal. The rest of us, whom were trapped outside, stood or ground, like the fools we were, and we perished. 

  Those who were inside the base were devastated by the loss, but we didn't give up. Slowly, but surely, we developed a technology, called VoltTech, that we used to protect ourselves. We regained our peaceful life, and spoke of the outside world like it was hell itself. But we all knew that this life was just the calm before the storm

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