Keith: (giggles softly) I'm sorry...

Me: Umm..What's wrong? You're not your usual self...Where's the jolly, happy-go-lucky, waffle loving Keith that I lo- I mean know...(looks away) 

Keith: Uh-sorry Grey...It's just..(looks away) I'm not in the mood today...

Me: Oh...I was wondering if you wanna hang out?

Keith: Umm..maybe next time...I just need some time alone...(smiles weakly)

Me: Oh..(looks down) Okay...See you later

Keith just nodded then walks off...I knew something was wrong...I'll let her be...Just give her some time alone...I grab my phone and noticed that I already got 10 messages all from Amber...woah...I just ignore the messages and put the phone on my pocket...


Keith's P.O.V

I really need to avoid Greyson...I just don't know why but I need to sort things up...I found myself walking near the docks...The salty breeze that whistles through my ear and the sounds of bird chirping...the strumming of the guitar-the what? I looked at the very corner and saw Cody, grazing his feet on the water as he plays his guitar...

Me: C-Cody? What are you doing here?

Cody: (chuckles) I should be the one to ask you that...(pats beside him) Come here...

I slowly walked towards him and sat down...I grazed my feet on the water and admire the beauty of the water...It's so calm and gentle...I took a quick glance at Cody and saw that he was staring at me...I looked away and scoot away a little...

Cody: So...What brings you here?

Me: I just came here for a walk...

Cody: You know what? I'll take you somewhere....Somewhere that might help you...(puts guitar on his back)

Me: Umm I don't think this is a good idea

Cody: (helds out hand) trust me...

I reluctantly grab it and let him take me somewhere...He led me through different places and different corners...Suddenly he grabbed my shoulders and pulled me close...

Cody: (whispers to my ear) Hear that?

Me: W-What?

Cody: The ocean

Me: I can't hea-

Cody: (whispers) Listen closely...

I heard splashes of water from afar...A small smile crept slowly on my face as I heard the calming sound of the ocean waves....Cody grab my hand and we went in to some cave...He led me to different corners and different ways until we saw light...When we went out of the cave, I saw the most beautiful scene a person would like to see on his or her life....

Me: W-Whoa...

Cody: I know right...(smiles) Isn't it a beauty?

Me: It looks like a beach...but there's no people around here...

Cody: The beach's is far from here...Besides this is my secret hiding place...and (looks at me) You're the first one to see it...

Me: What do you do here?

Cody: Hmm...write songs, swim, surf, and sometimes just sit around watching the sunset....(smiles)

I walk towards the water and felt the cold waves of the water cover my feet...I felt more calm and rejuvenated..It made me feel good inside...Then I felt someone splashing water behind me...

Me: (laughs) Cody, Stop it...(splashes water)

Cody: Make me...(laughs)

We played in the water for half an hour...After that, I sat down on the white sand admiring the ocean...It was really a beatiful sight to see...Cody sat beside me and and began to play his guitar

My angel,

How'd you get to be so fly,

How'd you get to shine so bright, girl

How'd you get to look like that,

Heaven don't you call her back, yeah

I giggled softly and run my hands through his hair...It was surprisingly soft...

Halo Halo, I'm not sayin' hi,

Baby there's a ring above your head,

And it shines so bright in the sunlight, in the sunlight

Ayo Ayo, this is like a dream

Every bit of you it makes me weak,

How did I get here, in the sunlight, in the sun

I must be in Heaven

Cause I'm looking at an Angel

Whose staring back at me

Her eyes so heavenly

I must be in Heaven

Cause I'm looking at an Angel

There's no one on this Earth

that's made this beautiful

I must be in Heaven

I smiled at him and pinch his cheek...I stood up and held my hand out..

Me: Wanna walk?

Cody: (stands up then grab my hand) Sure..(smiles)

We began to walk letting the water splash on our bare feet...

Cody: What seems to be the problem?

Me: Nothing...Just something in my mind...

Cody: Oh...sounded like one of my songs...(smiles)

Me: (giggles) Yep...

Cody: I've got something on my mind...

Me: (laughs) Really? What is it?

Cody: Just someone (smirks)

Me: (giggles) Okay...

Cody: Hey, do you know how play guitar? 

Me: Uh-no...

Cody: (grabs my hand) Here let me show you...

We sat down, with me sitting in the front while Cody sitting on the back of me...He guided my fingers through the strings and held my other hand and strummed it gently...

Cody: This is a C...and if you do it like this it'll be like C minor..

Me: (strums) Oh...I really need some practice...(laughs)

Cody: Okay now do it in  a sequence...

Me: Like this? (strums guitar)

Cody: Wow..You're a fast learner...(smiles)

Me: I know...

Then suddenly we faced each other causing us to look deeper into each other's eyes...My heart began to beat so fast. like it's racing against time...He began to lean and inch his face towards mine...then not too long our lips met...It was soft and smooth..I began to kiss back...He wrap his arms around my waist as I run my hands on his hair...Then I snapped back to reality...Oh my gosh Zendaya...

I broke the kiss and stood up making Cody jump a little bit...

Me: (looks away) I-I really need to go...

Before Cody could say a thing, I ran away...I could still hear him calling my name...

Me: Oh god, What have I done?

My Kind Of Perfect [Greyson Chance and Cody Simpson]Where stories live. Discover now