Dealing with Domination

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"Bullying" suggested by alibug16 on Wattpad. (57years on Instagram)
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Bullying, something most of us have dealt with. Roughly over 3.2 million students are victims of bullying each year. I've experienced bullying, I've also held back on reporting the matters because I didn't want anybody to "make a big deal out of it." More than most of the time, these decisions have backfired. When it didn't stop, I knew that I needed to tell someone.
A couple of friends I've made have recently been bullied for bluntly being theirselves. Alison (alibug16 ) is openly bisexual, she came out a while back and people haven't stopped going on about it. It's also as if she has been losing friends because of her sexuality. But I know that a person attracted to the same sex can have beautiful personality, just like Alison does.
About 4,400 suicides are preformed each year because of bullying, but what would you expect? Soon enough, victims will begin to believe what their bully tells them. They'll believe that their worthless, they'll be under the impression that they don't belong here.
Everyone has a place in the world, but a sufferer can feel like they don't. Most bullies experience troubles themselves, and they nonetheless take it out on someone that they know can be affected by it on maximum level. If you're a victim of bullying, know that you are worth it. You're all amazing people who deserve to live, don't forget that.

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