The Errors Of My Ways.....

Comenzar desde el principio

We arrived near a bridge it was called Wickery Bridge this is where Elena father lost control of their car and ended up in the water and I saved her the first time. Then she began to tell me about the second time it happened that I was there but I didn't save her. Seriously was I an idiot to do that? but I guess she told me that I always did thing to make her happy even if I didn't agree. Well personally I think I was a bit of a douche.

"How is it cosmically possible to get into two accidents on the same bridge?" I think that was a pretty good question to ask I mean what are the possibilities of that even happening

"I don't know. Maybe it was fate drawing me back, saying that I cheated death the first time" I looked down at the water what hell would have stopped me from saving her?

"But if I was there both times, then why didn't I save you both times?" I looked at her and she gave me a small smile, I honest didn't get it.

"Because the second time you saved my best friend Matt because I asked you to" Yep I was a douche how the hell could I let the girl I love die and save her friend?

"Ah. Got it. So, I'm an idiot" I looked away from her seriously I really didn't like this guy who I was before.

"No. You were the perfect boyfriend. You valued what I wanted even if it wasn't what you agreed with" She told me as we walked towards the bridge. Well I don't think I was the perfect boyfriend because if I was then why did we break up?

"Well, it's gonna take me a minute to wrap my head around that" I heard Elena sighs.

"Fair enough" one thing I did notice being around her was the fact of that urges for blood that hunger kind of went.

"It's working, you know?" I told her she looked up at me surprised.

"You're remembering?" She asked with hope. In a way I wish I was but I weren't, Elena was kind of distracting me.

"No. I mean, this, whatever we're doing, the distracting, the sublimating, whatever you wanna call it. The urge to feed has settled. I'm not, uh, hungry anymore" I looked away from her it was kind of strange to be talking like that.

"Good" Elena broke me out of my thoughts I smiled at her.

"Whatever monster I was capable of being, I could see why I was different around you" I could tell like she was probably the one thing that kept me together from losing it.

"You were never a monster" How could she even say that? I saw what I was and I saw a monster.

"Elena, I saw my reflection in the mirror today. I was scared of me" I was it freaked me out a little seeing my face liked that a face of a monster.

"Well, you never scared me. The first time I saw you for what you were, I touched your face like this" She places both her hands on my face "And I told you not to hide" Elena starts to remove her hands from my face but he grabs her by the wrist I didn't want ther to move them there was something about her not the fact we used to date but the fact that I felt a connection to her.

"Don't" I placed her hand back on my face I began to caresses her face and looks deeply into her eyes. I felt drawn to her I didn't know why, I pulled her gently towards me and I leaned in for a kiss... but Elena interrupts.

"I'm in love with Damon" Elena moves her hands away from my face that took me by surprise. Did she says that she was in love with my brother? Her sister husband?

"You're in love with my brother? Your sister husband?" Elena took a step back and guilt filled her face how could she do that to her sister? To me? Well the old me?

'Your Love Consumes Me' A Damon Salvatore Love Story.  Part Of The 'Epic Love Saga'Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora