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-whatever butter that's in the fridge
-a pinch of vanilla
-flour in a teacup size
-baking powder? I think it's optional.
-add some blueberries or things.
-more stuff that probably involves baking


#1 Pour dry ingredients in bowl or cauldron.

#2 Pour liquid ingredients in bowl

#3 make sure it's dough like. If not, add more flour.

#3 add random stuff to make it AWESOME (no, not Prussia-awesome)

#4 form the dough in a square thing

#5 make sure frogs or monkeys do not eat, your delicious scones

#6 put on a fairly used pan

#7 bake in some kind of oven that is as hot as me

#8 bake for like, some time. As much time as needed.. You could probably go shopping while they are baking (:

#9 make sure your house doesn't burn down. But that just means you're getting better at making scones!

#10 eat, and give to all your friends. And enemies.

#11 Don't give any to France

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