Chapter 4 - Forgive or Forget?

Start from the beginning

I scowled. "No."

He yanked me forward and the silence that came along with it was almost defeating. "Come on."

Before I could even attempt to do a thing about it, Cameron had grabbed the guy by his shirt and pushed him toward his buddies. He stumbled onto his ass but stood up in a flash. "Ah, your guard. Cameron, right? And where is fair Gabriel on this fine night?"

My chest constricted as I glanced away from him.

"That's right. He's been in his Tribunal for years hasn't he? Years your time. Years his time. So sorry--"

Cameron and Bonnie grabbed me before I could wrap my fingers around his neck. "That story--"

"Is known throughout both worlds, my dear Princess. Actually go. You're broken enough. Me doing any damage to you will probably just break you."

I growled at him right before Bonnie turned me around and led me out the door. I shrugged her hands off and sighed. "Where are we staying?"

There was a short silence and I glanced at them both as they stared at me. Bonnie knew not to give me those horrible sympathetic looks anymore. She just looked concerned. But Cameron, no. Nothing but that emotion was in his eyes.

I shook my head. "Fine. I'll find us somewhere to stay."

"No." He finally spoke. "There's a house nearby. My friends live there but won't be back until tomorrow morning. We can stay there but it's not in this area."

I shut my eyes and ignored that flesh ripping sound that came with expanding my wings. I shot straight up and just... Floated. Cutting off the will to cry is one thing. Having the tie wanting to glue back together is another. It was hard to keep it cut in half. But the emotion was still there. The sadness. The guilt. I wasn't the same girl from 2010. 

I never will be.

We followed Cameron silently to a decent estate twenty minutes away. The skies were filled with black and grey wings. I hadn't taken the time to actually look but Cameron's wings were still a golden white. If he'd sinned, his wings would have changed. It made me wonder what he really got up to while he was gone...

We landed on a lifeless estate. I could feel that there were a few Demons or Angels in the houses but they were busy doing... Nothing. What was there to do on this world? It's interesting. 

He turned abruptly to open a gate and walk up to the door. It opened with a soft turn of the knob and he walked in. 

The house didn't look appealing from the outside but inside it was better than I thought. The granite floors echoed beneath our feet through the house as we walked in. There was a large chandelier above our heads I had to feel about before I could find the switch. I clicked it on and looked around only briefly.

"Nice place." Bonnie said. "Who's is it...?"

I walked up the stairs at the side and walked across the hall ignoring the stare I could feel on me as I went out of sight. One room was locked and I assumed it was a bedroom because next door was the bathroom. Another door was a bedroom but this one was open. It wasn't luxury with bed posts and beautiful soft mattresses. There were two large mattresses simple bed stands along with two thick blankets and pillows.

There were candles situated on a table at the side plus a few on the walls. I opened my hand and held my finger to each one as the flame danced along my finger tips. 

There was a balcony with double doors near one of the beds. I opened them and looked up at the sky. There were two moons. One as white as ever and the other an orange. It was something I hadn't seen since the 1200's.

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