They walked into the hospital, where Liam was instantly greeted by a man with warm brown eyes and curly-ish brown hair. He seemed kind, and looked it too. Niall smiled shyly at him.

“Hello, Liam,” the man said. “Who is your friend you brought today?” Niall thought he detected an American accent coming from the guy.

“Dr. Jonas, this is my friend Niall Horan. He was hoping to be able to become CPR certified. Niall, this is my friend here who lets me watch him, and he’s also the advisor for the CPR class here, Dr. Daniel Jonas. He came all the way from America just to be a doctor here in Britain.”

Niall smiled at Dr. Jonas. “Nice to meet you sir.”

“Please, don’t call me sir. You can call me Dr. Jonas, and once we become friends like Liam and I have been, I might let you call me Daniel. Liam here refuses to call me that though, because he thinks that it sounds improper.”

Niall chuckled. It seemed like that was Liam. After all, he may not have known Liam that long, but he seemed like the kind who always was polite. He didn’t seem like he would be able to look a grownup in the eye and call them by their first name. It just didn’t seem like the type of person Liam was. Liam, who was too scared to talk to his crush in fear of rejection. Hell, he even called Johannah Mrs. Tomlinson, despite the fact that she insisted on him calling her Johannah.

“Sounds like Liam,” Niall said, just as his cell phone went off, signaling he had a text from Louis. Niall quickly opened his cell phone, while getting a weird look from Dr. Jonas and Liam, probably because his ringtone had been Boyfriend by Justin Bieber. The text made Louis sound furious.

Where r u? U have me worried sick.

“Just a minute,” Niall muttered to Dr. Jonas and Liam, although he wasn’t sure why. He quickly replied:

Im @ hospital w/Liam. Remember?

“Is everything okay, Niall?” Liam asked, sounding worried.

“Yeah,” Niall replied. “Lou’s just worried ‘bout me, that’s all. He didn’t know where I went.”

Liam only nodded, as though he didn’t quite believe Niall. Niall shrugged it off, though. It rather seemed as though he was becoming paranoid lately. He let out a quick sigh, and then smiled, just as his phone went off again.

Next time, just tell me, k?

Course, Lou :)

“Everything’s okay,” Niall asserted to Liam, as though he was trying to convince himself as well as Liam. That was absurd though, right? Because, it wasn’t like Niall didn’t know everything was fine, after all he wouldn’t say it if he didn’t fully believe it was true, right?

Love u babe xoxo

Niall couldn’t believe Lou had called him babe. It just didn’t seem like the type of thing Lou would do. They normally called each other their full names, unless Niall was calling him Lou. They had never used nicknames like babe, honey, or anything like that. Niall wasn’t expecting them to call each other that until after the second or third date. That’s how it happened in all those romance movies Niall used to watch with his mum. And why had Louis said he loved Niall? After all, they hadn’t even been on one date. They couldn’t know their feelings for each other, could they? How were they supposed to know that they were in love when they hadn’t been out on a date yet?

Not rdy 4 ‘l’ word, yet, Lou :|

He hoped that would satisfy Louis for right now, because he was speaking the truth.

“Can you turn your phone on silence for right now?” Liam asked, as though he was losing patience.

“Yeah, of course,” Niall said, taking his phone back out quick, and turning it onto silence.

Liam nodded once, seeming happy again, and then he and Dr. Jonas started walking away. Niall had to hurry to catch up quickly, while taking a quick sip from his Diet Coke. By the time they got to the room in the hospital where Niall figured they were going, the Diet Coke was gone. He threw it into the garbage can, and then turned to Liam, and smiled.

“This the room?” he asked. Liam nodded once.

“I know you’re going to have fun, Niall. You’ll love doing CPR, feeling as though you can save people. It was becoming CPR certified that made me want to be a doctor. The only reason why I became CPR certified in the first place was because my mum wanted me to.”

“Really?” Niall asked. He liked learning new things about Liam. It was so nice to be able to talk to Liam without having to worry about too much, like Louis right now. Something told Niall that Lou just didn’t like Liam. Maybe it would be better to keep the two of them apart for now. Just until Niall could figure out why Lou did not like Liam. Who wouldn’t like Liam? He was the nicest guy in the world, besides Harry. Well, Harry was nice, until he punched Lou’s face.

“Yep,” Liam said. “Class is going to be starting soon. I’ll be helping out Dr. Jonas, just for today. I help him out here on Saturdays with the class, but otherwise I make my daily routines around, and help out other doctors run errands and stuff. So, you’ll be on your own tomorrow.”

It was then that the first person, besides Liam, Dr. Jonas, and Niall walked into the class. Niall couldn’t believe it. This was the last place he expected to see him. Niall had been hoping he wouldn’t of had to see him until it was absolutely necessary. Maybe he could tell Liam that he couldn’t stay, that he changed his mind. Liam would understand, wouldn’t he?

The boy’s cold eyes met Niall’s wary blue ones.

“Horan,” he spat. “What are you doing here?”

Dun dun duh. What did you guys think? It’s still longer than most of the chapters, except the last two. Those were both long. Expect this to be the norm, because I’ve become better at writing long chapters for this book :) YAY! Who do you guys think is the mystery guy? I didn’t give too much away on who it was. If you can guess, then I shall dedicate the next chapter to you :) First to guess right gets the dedication :) And I would just like to say, thank you guys for not hating me for all the cliffhangers I’ve been putting in this book. I just LOVE my cliffhangers, and making you guys suspenseful for a new chapter. Maybe I’ll keep it up and update soon again. Yep yep. Thanks for reading though. Oh, what did you guys think of Lou’s text? The love u babe xoxo one. Answer the questions I ask for crying aloud! Don’t ignore my questions! I ask them to know your feedback, not just for the fun of it. :) Happy reading.

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