Chapter 3: The Start Of The Training

Start from the beginning

Flashback Start

I was strapped on the metal surgery table and was breathing hard.

"Congrats Tsunayoshi-kun!! You survived all the injections of the Flames of the Sky and Earth." Said the Scientist.

He has been talking about some kind of flames of weathers or biomes and I don't understand a thing. I asked him about it before but he only said that I will know about them later.

"Tomorrow you will start training and you have a new friend to train with you. I hope you two will give us good results." Said the Scientist and the Guards came and took Tsuna to his cage.

End of Flashback

I wonder what kind of a training it is. And I'm getting a friend I guess. I haven't talked to anyone after I came here so I probably won't be able to talk to him/her that much. After I came here they injected me with liquids of different color sometimes the same colored one repeated.

I got up and the Guards came and took me to a giant white room with a lot of weapons and laptops and training dummies. Across the room came in a girl about my age, a bit shorter than me, black hair, beautiful light blue eyes, she didn't show any emotions on her face like me.

A man in a black suit and a black trench coat came out

"Good morning Boss!!" Said the Guards and the Scientists

"Good Morning to you too and especially to you two" He said looking at us. But we just we just remained expressionless and silent.

"From today you will be learning to use your Dying Will Flames, using weapons, hacking, combat and the term DWF (Dying Will Flames) will be told to you when your training start. Do you have any questions?" he asked us, both of us just remained silent.

"Then let's start your training" he said and entered a door on the left wall.

First bunch of scientists came in and started to teach us everything about was DWF. Then they told the guards to hold us and then they put on us some kind of high-tech helmets and pressed a button then a lot of information was forced into our heads about every information they teach you till college, different languages, psychology and mafia it hurt so much that we screamed in pain. After a while it finally stopped and we were panting really hard.

After that they let us rest for 30 minutes and then gave us a 100 page test in different languages we had to finish in 20 minutes. After we did it checked it for 20 minutes and we both got everything right.

Then told us to go and sit before our laptops. Mine was orange and with number 27 on the back. The other girl's laptop was light blue with a number 3 on the back. Then they started teaching us how to hack. After an hour of teaching on how to hack I was getting bored of them telling one thing over and over so I started the Estraneo famiglia database. I saw the other girl also hacking but I just shrugged it off. After 10 minutes I was in and started reading over the files when they finally noticed what we were doing they took us away from the laptops but I have already read everything and I don't know how much the other girl did.

Then they called their Boss and he came out of the door he entered. after he heard what we did he asked the other girl:

"Hmm impressive. Nobody has ever been able to hack into our database that contains profiles on the subjects we have. How long did it take you? And how much did you read?"

"I was getting bored after an hour of listening how to hack so I started to hack the main database nut I couldn't hack into it so I started to hack the other database it took me about 20 minutes till I finished and I read about everything in your database." She said in a monotone voice.

"Hmm impressive to hack into our database in 20 minutes. And the reason that you couldn't hack into our main database is that it's firewall is so strong that the current greatest hacker in the world couldn't hack it. But you did very good." Said the Boss then looked at my and saw that I hacked into the main database. His eyes widened then asked:

"How did you hack it?!" with anger, surprise in his voice.

"I got bored so hacked into the main base in about 10 minutes and read everything. And there wasn't anything about the subjects besides the experiments that were planned." I said in a monotone voice.

"Guards do not let him near a laptop. And take that laptop to the confiscation room!" said the Boss.

The guards did what they were told.

"This was beyond what I expected but the results are more than great. Since you two are really successful experiments you 2 are getting a room rather than a cage and you two will be sharing one room. Now then, guards, take them to their new room." Said the Boss as the guards took us to our new room following the Boss .

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