The Legend

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I slept until I sensed a mass of chakra near me. I opened one eye seeing Kakashi reaching out to tap my shoulder. Opening the other eye Kakashi dropped his hand.

"I wanted to see if you'd like to take a tour of the village."

"That would be nice, Kakashi-sama."

I pushed myself off the bed stretching still a little stiff. I fixed my shirt. Grabbing my wallet I followed Kakashi as he left the apartment. He pointed out things like stores, restaurants and the hokage tower. We went into a few shops as I looked for some better clothing. I silently memorized the things he told me. When we stopped in front of a ramen house I was surprised.

"My student Naruto loves this place, Sakura my other student she's medical-nin training under Tsunade. My third student well ex-student he left Konoha seeking strength for revenge."

"Oh I'm sorry." I started 

"It's fine; just don't bring him up around Sakura or Naruto." Kakashi explained.

"How old are your students?"

"Fifteen almost sixteen they were in the class with Shikamaru."

"Shouldn't they be Chunin?" I asked surprised. 

"Sakura is but Naruto has been training with Jiriaya-sama for two and a half years."

"The legendary Sannin who writes the Icha Icha books?"

"Yes, that's the one." Kakashi answered with a laugh.

I laughed smiling at him. I had heard of Jiriaya he'd met with the head of the Tsuki clan multiple times but I wasn't allowed to approach him. I respected him he was an amazing shinobi and writer, not that I really was allowed to read his books.

"You know the Icha Icha books?"

"A little, I wasn't really allowed to read them. But when I got my hands on any books I'd go hide somewhere and read."

I hadn't noticed that when had entered a restaurant after continuing. I turned to him frowning.

"I'm not going to take my mask off in public."

"Neither will I; Take out."

"Ahhh, it's nice to have someone understand the mask thing." I laughed softly.

"Yeah I guess it is." He stated sheepishly 

We returned to the apartment to eat. I sat at the table eating quietly. Kakashi stood in the kitchen facing the window as he ate. I didn't make a move to see his face, if he kept it hidden that was his decision. I understood that better than most. So It was never a task for me to see his face without it. After I finished I thanked Kakashi, cleaned up my things and returned to my room. This is how I functioned I never wanted to hinder people, or be in their way. So I'd take care of myself and then keep to myself.

                                         *                                             *                                             *

A week later Kakashi and I were summoned to the Hokage tower. I was slightly nervous knowing the hokage wanted to see me.

"Come in," her voice called.

She talked about the test I'd have to take to become a Kunochi of the leaf. Laying out how it would work and other rankings I could receive if I didn't become Jonin. She also explained how missions worked here. She wanted to make sure I understood whether or not there were differences between our villages.She asked me plenty of questions before she hesitantly brought up my village.

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