Chapter 2

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The annoying ring of my alarm wakes me up at 6:30. I groan, swiping my finger across the screen of my phone, shutting the damned thing off. I groggily situp, and rub at my eyes with the backs of my hands and then stretch, listening as my stiffened joints crack. Here's to another boring day at school..


After doing my daily morning routine and getting ready, I put on a blue beanie over my devilish curls, keeping the front up and away from my face, quickly swiping an apple off the table, and bite into it, then yell an obscure goodbye to my mum, before locking the front door behind me.

The cool fall air nips at my skin and I stick my hands into the pockets of my jacket before climbing inside my range rover, beginning yet another day.


While stopping at a red light, I huff, glancing to my left and observing the fancy business men, suit case in hands, quickly trying to make it to work on time. I continue to watch as minors pass by; some alone, some with parents. I remember when I was the cheeky lad in middle school. I smile at the thought, however, it soon fades, and my brows furrow as I lean in my seat catching a glimpse of the girl quickly making her way down and out of the ally. Her hair cascaded in light curls down her shoulders, blinding her sight of vision as the wind blew it in all types of directions. Her dark jeans, combat boots, red scarf, and beige jacket hugged her fit body. I watched as she looked back as if to make sure no one was following her, and I'm startled when a bunch of cars behind mine lividly honk, the angry drivers arguing through the windshield as they drove around me, and I began to drive, my eyes flicking to the female just a few feet away. 

"Hey love, need a ride?" I soon roll my window down as my car came to a halt at another red light, speaking loud enough for her to hear me, she eyes me before letting out a scoff and her pace quickens in attempts to get as far away from me as possible. I begin to drive at the change of light and continue my attempt to ignite a conversation with her, moments later she stops in front of another ally, staring into the dark unknown and debating on whether she should walk through and find a new route to school or continue walking until she finally saw the school, and used that as her chance to flee, but something about that flash of discomfort in her eyes and the angered groan that came right after led me to know that she would be sticking to the second choice.

She continues to walk at a steady pace, placing her headphones that hung around her neck in her ears in attempts to block out my comments on how she should let me drive her. Once the school came into view she picked up speed and turned in the opposite direction as I continued foward to park my car in the school parking lot, and I watched as she had disappeared into the massive crowds of students.


I walk into the crowded hallways where I find Amanda standing by my locker.

"Harry!" She seems excited as she runs towards me, springing up on her tip-toes, giving me a light peck on the cheek.

"Hey Ams, whats up?" I question, glaring at some dick who shoved into her and didn't even apologize, but she stops me before I could say anything.

"Well, since its been forever since we hung out we should have a movie night at my house... you know, like old times," she smiles, softly blushing and I smile.

"Sure, how does sunday sound?" I question, closing my locker.

"That sounds great," she gleams, giving me a goodbye wave and walks away to catch up with a group of friends as the bell rings.

Im in no rush to go to math, and decide to roam the halls for a while, not really caring who caught me and what questions they ask, and  two very similar voices catch my attention and I stop listening to the two.

"Try not to go through it all in a day,"

"Dont know why its any concern to you, you get paid either way," the voice clearly sounds annoyed.

"What ever kid just take it slow," the other voice says calmly.

"I dont need you trying to tell me how to rule my life," the female tone angrily speaks. Theres a sigh right after before the hallway grows quiet; all except the sound of clicking boots coming my way, and before I could react our bodies collide.

"Fuck, watch it you prick," It seems as if shes always yelling in my face.

"Sorry love, isn't as if I could see through walls and move out of the way before you bumped into me," I roll my eyes

"Don't call me that." Her eyes narrow "And what are you, following me?! I thought I told you to stay away from me,"

"Well we can't be friends if I'm never around now can we," I tease, a smirk playing at the corners of my lips.

She scoffs, "I want nothing to do with you," she says through clenched teeth, her hands clamp and unclamp at her sides.

"Then why are you still here wasting your time by talking to me? Why don't you just walk away. This morning you could've found a different way to school yet you continued to walk along side me, then you bump into me and ignite an argument; usually when someone doesn't like the other they wouldn't waste their time and breath on them" I challenge.

She rolls her eyes, pushing at my chest with her hands still in fist, before storming away.


"Wait Emma I didn't mean to-" I start and grab a hold of her wrist.

"Don't touch me." She spat, glaring at me, her eyes full of poison as she yanked her arms away, leaving me with the sight of faded scars placed right where bracelets are laid...

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