Mingyu || Fangs #3

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(From First Person, Y/N)

He wasn't just Kim Mingyu...

He was a vampire,

And he was my boyfriend.

I walked through my front garden and up to the door. I was in a great mood. It was Mingyu and I's three month anniversary. I unlocked the front door as I hummed a tune to myself.
"Emmy, I'm home!" I yelled out to my younger sister as I walked through the entrance. There was no response. That was weird, she's always home after I finish school.
"Emmy isn't here. She's out shopping with her friends." I heard a voice from the living room. I walked forward to see my older brother, Harry, watching TV on the couch.
"Was I asking you?" I retorted, slapping him playfully on the back of his head.
"Ouch! Why are you so mean to me? You don't treat Emmy this way." He whined.
I rolled my eyes and walked into the kitchen to grab a snack.
Ring ring.
My phone buzzed in my pocket, indicating I had a call. I quickly checked the caller ID before answering. It was one of my classmates.
"Hey Jihoon." I answered as I pressed the phone to my ear.
"Hey Y/N."
"Is something wrong? You never call me." I laughed as I grabbed a box of cookies from a shelf in the pantry.
"Well something is kind of wrong... You know that assignment we were paired up for?" He nervously chuckled.
"Yeah, what about it? Have you finished your part?"
"Um... It's too hard, I don't understand the instructions. Can you come over to my house and help me?" He asked tensely.
I let out a silent sigh as I put the first cookie into my mouth. "Yeah, I suppose. I'll be there in like half an hour?" I quizzed myself thinking about how long it'll take me to eat, get changed and find Jihoon's house.
"Thank you so much, I'll text you my address." And with that, he hung up. I shoved another cookie into my mouth and looked at the time on my phone.
"You know Jihoon, I was going to do something with Mingyu." I said to myself, intending it to be heard by Jihoon.
"You're talking to yourself again!" Harry shouted from the lounge room.

I walked down Jihoon's street, looking around to find his house number. I was already ten minutes late and by the way I was going, I could add another ten. This road was really familiar though, Mingyu lived on the street next to Jihoon. I let out a huff of air as I continued to look for Jihoon's house.
Finally I reached the end of the road, and what do you know, Jihoon's house is the last one on the street. His house looked quite sweet from the outside. There was a nice front garden with roses filling the flower beds. The house itself looked quite small, but the cozy type.
I walked down the short path to the front door and rung the doorbell. I waited quietly as I heard footsteps approaching the entrance. The door swung open and the small and cute Jihoon appeared. His glasses were slipping down his nose bridge, hair brushed down into a fringe. He was wearing an oversized royal blue sweater and baggy sweatpants. I smiled at him fondly as he allowed me to walk inside.
"You're house is so nice!" I complimented, looking around the flat.
"Thank you." He beamed. "The project is in my room, follow me."
I turned around and headed upstairs with Jihoon closely in front. Jihoon's room was quite big to my surprise, definitely a lot bigger than my room.
"Here, sit down." Jihoon patted the seat of a desk chair he had set in front of his desk. He then sat at another desk chair which was on the opposite side.
"So what part is confusing you?"

Time went by very quickly. Jihoon and I had a lot of fun working on the assignment. We blasted music and danced around while eating and sharing stories with each other. The assignment was almost done when I felt some strange feeling wash over me. I looked down at my wrist to see my whole arm had gone pale. I looked at my other arm and legs, they were pale too. I felt extremely hungry even though I had just eaten. I reached for my phone as quickly as possible and texted Mingyu.

 I reached for my phone as quickly as possible and texted Mingyu

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I felt myself growing savage as my stomach ached for food. I grabbed a packet of crisps that laid beside me and started throwing the flavoured goodness into my mouth. But... I couldn't taste anything. It tasted like nothing. And I'm not sure what nothing taste like, but it isn't a pleasant thing to taste. Jihoon turned to me and went wide eyed immediately.
"Y/N... Are you okay?" He asked, slight fear in his voice.
"No." I huffed and continued to eat the chips. Jihoon gasped when he saw the slight point of my fang teeth when I was chewing the food. He backed away slightly and tried to concentrate on the assignment.
Reaching into the bag further, I found there were no more crisps, and I was still hungry as ever. My eyes trailed to Jihoon's face, before landing on his neck.
"Y/N... Your eyes." He whispered as he moved all the way to the corner of his room. My eyes were red, I didn't know what red meant, but I don't think it's a good colour to have in your irises.
I had lost all control of my actions. I moved towards Jihoon as he pushed himself against the wall. I licked my lips as I thought about how delicious his blood may be. I thought about devouring him and drinking his luscious blood. I hissed as I showed my teeth and pinned Jihoon to the wall. Jihoon screamed as I moved in to latch onto his neck. I almost bit into him when I felt my body being harshly pulled away.
I struggled against the action and tried to go back to Jihoon. The person was too strong.
"Y/N! Get a hold of yourself!" They shouted. I looked up to see Mingyu. I looked up at the face I loved and felt nothing. I found Mingyu's arm and bit down hard. He yelped in pain and let go of me. I looked back over to Jihoon who was crying with fear.
I tried to stop myself, but it was like I was possessed. I just couldn't control anything. On my second attempt to drink Jihoon's blood, my motions were put on pause when a sharp pain ran throughout my shoulder and to the rest of my body. I let out a deafening scream as I felt the excruciating pain pass over me. I fell to the ground, shaking, as I blacked out.

I woke up to see a ceiling. I didn't know where I was or how I got there, but I was in some sort of bedroom. I looked to my side, Mingyu was sitting on a chair, slouched over and twiddling his fingers.
"Mingyu?" I breathlessly called, still shivering immensely. His head shot up and he looked at my contently.
"What happened?" I asked and tried sitting up.
"Your instincts kicked in. I had to tranquillise you, I had no choice."
"Has that ever happened to you?" I questioned as I leant my back on the head board.
"A few times, but the first time is always the worst. Don't worry about it. I told Jihoon everything and he will keep it secret." He responded and kissed my forehead.
"Happy anniversary." He whispered as his lips brushed against mine.

I didn't like this imagine very much but oh well. But I really like the Fangs series, maybe I should make a fanfic based on it? What do you guys think?

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