Mingyu || Fangs #2

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(From First Person, Y/N)

He wasn't just Kim Mingyu...

He was a vampire,

And I was in love with him.

I walked down the hallway during lunch, looking for Mingyu. He was no where to be found. This was strange; he usually waited for me after I bought a juice box from the cafeteria. I was starting to get worried. He promised not to hide anymore.
I looked in all the possible places he could've been; the classroom, rooftop, library, music room. He wasn't in any. I was asking people if they had seen him. Many of them didn't know who I was talking about, the rest didn't know where he was either. I decided to depend on my last resort; Ari.
I walked back into the cafeteria quickly, scanning the large room as I searched for my best friend. She was sitting at the last table of the hall with her boyfriend, Seokmin. I sprinted towards the table, almost knocking over some kids.
"Ari!" I shouted. She jumped in surprise upon hearing her name. Her head whipped towards me as I stopped by her table.
"Don't scare me like that!" She yelled, hitting my arm lightly.
"Have you-" I stopped to pant from running.
"Have I what?"
"Have you seen Mingyu?" I asked breathlessly.
"Why are you so obsessed with him?" She muttered under her breath. "No, I haven't seen him since the lunch bell rung, why?"
Before I could give her an answer, I dashed out of the cafeteria. I searched for him high and low. He was really nowhere to be found. I ended up asking teachers, only they didn't know either.

I stopped in the middle of the corridor panting heavily. I placed my hands on my knees as I crouched down. There has to be somewhere I haven't checked.
The classroom? No I went there ten times already... The library? Nope, went there too... The gymnasium? Jackpot!
I ran over to the gym as fast as I could. I found my way to the entrance and tried opening the doors. It was locked. I tried the other one on the opposite side. Also locked.
"What is this? They're always open." I sighed, trying to open the doors once more. I reached for my hair, pulling out a loose bobby pin. Ari is a master of troublemaking. She knows how to pick locks, find out passwords, security codes and how to get away with all the mischief she causes. So luckily she taught me how to unlock doors using just a bobby pin.
I pushed the pin into the keyhole. My tongue poked out of my lips as I felt around until I heard the click. Eventually, the bobby pin rested in the correct position, allowing me to twist my wrist to unlock the door. Grabbing the handle, I swing the door open. I rushed inside, looking around for Mingyu.
What? Why isn't he here? This is the only place left!
I sighed sadly and turned around, going to walk out of the hall. My steps were put on hold when I heard breathy sobs and sniffles. I listened out for the direction of the sound. I concluded that the sound was coming from the little storage area beside the stage. I slowly and carefully made my way there. I reached the small hall which lead the the storage closets. As I approached it, the sounds got louder, somehow sounding oddly familiar. I peeked inside the room. The door was wide open, meaning I got see who was inside perfectly. And it was indeed; Mingyu.
His knees where pulled to his chest, head resting on the caps. His arms were wrapped firmly around his shins. His body was trembling as he cried quietly. I walked towards him carefully. I crouched down beside him before sitting down with crossed legs.
"Mingyu-yah?" I whispered, placing a hand gently on his shoulder. He flinched suddenly, realising I was there.
"What do you want?" He asked with an obvious frightened tone in his voice.
"What happened? Is everything okay?" My hand softly caressed his forearm comfortingly. He was shaking like crazy. Something must've scared him.
"It was an accident!" He sobbed hard and held onto his legs tighter.
"What was? Tell me what happened." I tried to sound as calm and reassuring as possible.
"I bit her! I bit Bora! I didn't mean to, she made me angry! Instinct kicked in and I couldn't help myself. She was so scared and she was screaming, and crying; I'm a-" He lifted his head and cried harder, wiping away his tears as he looked at me with an ashamed expression.
"I'm a monster!" He finished his sentence, burying his face in his hands.
"No Mingyu! You aren't, you're nothing close to a monster. You're a sweet, and kind, and caring and smart boy! You aren't a monster." I complimented lovingly, continuing to rub his arms.
"How can you be so nice to me? I turned you into a monster, a monster who possess the same qualities as me! You're going to hurt people too! You should hate me!" He shouted angrily. He built up all that frustration, only to let it out in the worst way possible; doubting himself. Of course, everything he was saying wasn't true to me. I'm in love with this boy! I've never seen him as a monster or a terrible person, even when I didn't know he was a vampire.
"What do you mean, you turned me into a monster?" I felt somewhat offended now. Was he calling me rude and arrogant or something?
"Yes! I bit you, you're turning into a vampire. You're transitioning right now. It'll finish soon..." He looked at me with worried eyes. Well that makes more sense, I'm becoming a vampire. So I'm not a rude, arrogant, spoilt brat.
Mingyu's eyes widened as he continued to look at me.
"What is it?" I asked, curious and concerned at the same time.
"It finished." He whispered lowly, fear disappearing in his voice. I titled my head to the side in confusion.
"You're eyes... They're purple. It means you're finished transitioning. They changed to an unnatural colour, it's easy to tell." While he was speaking, I noticed how Mingyu's eyes continued to look down at my lips. I mean, yeah; we were pretty close to each other. I would definitely kiss him right now. But I also noticed something else. His eyes were green two seconds ago, they turned purple as well.
"Mingyu... You're eyes are also purple." I stated, pointing to his irises.
He nodded, "I know... Our eye colour reflects our moods. I can feel my eye colour." He eyes turned dark, but not a scary dark. It was like a lustful dark. His tears had stopped flowing and a small smirk was plastered on his face.
"Then what mood is purple?" I asked, getting lost in his gaze.
He began to lean in, "It's love." His lips pressed onto mine gently. My eyes closed as his arms found their way to my waist. I placed my hands on his shoulders, allowing him to deepen the kiss. His lips started to move against mine, heating things up a bit. He was a really good kisser, his lips were soft and plump. He must've had a lot of experience kissing girls... Or biting people.
After ten seconds or so; Mingyu pulled away. I was left breathless, reaching up to feel my lips. He gave me a loving smile and put his hand to my cheek.
"Y/N?" He whispered shyly.
"I am in love with you." He breathed, smiling slightly.
"I- am also in love with you." I laughed, kissing him once again.

He wasn't just Kim Mingyu...

He was a vampire,

And he was my boyfriend.

Aussie weather will be the death of me! Should I make a 3rd part? Have a great day!

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