Jun || After Two Years #1

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(From Author's POV, Y/N)

After two years, you were happy. Things were going right. You got a solid job, bought yourself a house and all the pain you were previously feeling went away.
You loved him, but in a way, you could say he ruined your life. That three year relationship ended brutally, but it was all worth it. You were happy to say that you didn't miss him. Of course he crossed your mind a few times a day, however you never once worried about him or wanted him back. You were glad he was gone.

After two years, you made more friends. You were allowed out of the house and you could do whatever you pleased. He couldn't tell you what to do. He couldn't tell you what to where. He couldn't tell you where to go. His overprotective remarks were discounted now. You were free, and you loved it.

After two years, you found someone new. Someone ten times better than him. He let you out, wearing whatever you chose, being with whoever you wanted. He gave you the love you deserved, not the love you wished for everyday two years ago. He gave you kisses and hugs everyday, telling you how beautiful you were. He took you out for dinner whenever he could. He spent time with you when you both weren't busy. Your life was perfect with him.

"Don't go out tonight!" He said hurriedly as you reached for the door handle.
"Just don't. You can't go!" He sounded demanding now and you hated it.
"I'm just going out with Areum and Mina. What's wrong with that?" You replied stubbornly.
"You can't protect yourself. Guys might hit on you or you could get hurt! It's dangerous." He pulled you towards him.
"Let go of me! You can't control me like this Jun!" You yelled, he stopped and looked at you angrily.
"Yes I can. And I will." He grabbed your wrist and dragged you towards your shared bedroom. He threw you inside, closing and locking the door.
"Let me out!" You screamed from inside the dark room.
"Never! You are not leaving this house!" You heard him say, followed by fading footsteps. You looked around your room. There was the balcony, you could try to escape? You walked towards the glass doors and opened them swiftly. Your next door neighbours are pretty nice, and your balconies are connected. If you climbed over the railing, you would be able to get out, right? You picked up the handbag which was thrown on the floor. It had your phone, purse, car keys and other essentials inside. You also picked up your phone charger and earphones. You walked out onto the balcony and closed the doors behind you. Walking up to the edge, you looked down the eight story apartment block. You lived on the top floor. Falling would cost you your life.
You carefully placed your handbag on the balcony which belongs to you neighbours. Since it was connected to yours, it would be easy, wouldn't it?
You carefully latched your leg over the side railing and hoisted yourself over, falling onto the cold tiles as you reached their apartment. You groaned in pain as you helped yourself up.
You politely knocked on the glass and pressed your face to the door, seeing if someone was inside. Eventually you heard someone walking towards the door. They opened it and screamed in shocked when they saw you.
"Y/N! How did you get here?" Hari, the mother of the family shouted.
"I was escaping." You sighed. Hari nodded confusedly and let you inside. She sat you down at the dining table and the two of you had a cup of tea.
"So you're saying, he's so overprotective that he locked you in your room?" She gasped. You hummed in return, "It's not the first time either."
She gave you an apologetic glance, pouring you a second cup of tea.
You stayed in Hari's apartment for the night. But you couldn't sleep at all. You decided to write a letter to Jun, explaining why you would no longer be there with him.

Dear Jun...
It's been three years, hasn't it? At first, I was so happy to be with you. I would listen to you everyday, staying home just because you didn't want me to leave. It was cute and sweet, until I lost some friends because of it. I felt like a prisoner after a few months. You wouldn't even let me buy groceries. I would have to take you with me everywhere I went. And I hated it. I love you, but I hate what you've done to me. That's why I'm breaking up with you. I don't want to see your face ever again. I'll be staying at Areum's house from now on. If you even try to visit, I will most likely file a restraining order against you. Bye Jun. I love you.

You sighed and walked out of Hari's apartment. You carefully and quietly stood in front of your houses' door. You slipped the letter under the gap between the floor and the door, before going back inside your neighbours house.
And that was it. You didn't hear from him since. And you loved that. You missed him a few times, crying over the loneliness you were experiencing. But after a few days, you realised how much freedom you had. Areum took you everywhere and you did so many fun things together. She allowed you to do whatever you wanted. It was like you had been let out of jail, and it was such an amazing feeling.

You sat at your desk at work, leaning back in the comfy leather office chair. You sighed peacefully, smiling to yourself.
"Are you happy about something?" Eunju, one of your colleagues, asked you.
"Yes. Very happy." You smiled. She smiled back and got out of her seat, walking over to the manager's desk with a pile of documents in her hand. You grinned again and looked back at your computer, continuing to type a report you needed to finish. You jumped suddenly when your phone started to buzz on the table, indicating someone was calling you. It was an unknown number, but you answered anyway.
"Oh, hi, I didn't think you would answer..." The caller replied.
"I'm sorry, but who is this?" You asked. You swore you knew that voice from somewhere.
"It's Jun..." He sighed. You froze in your spot, not sure what to do.
You were about to hang up when he continued to talk, "Look, I know you don't want to talk to me. And you probably hate me. But I wanted to say someone I was never able to say when we were dating."
You were surprised when you became intrigued to know what that something was.
"I'm sorry. I really am. It was wrong of me to lock you up and make you never leave. That was a really stupid thing to do. I just wanted you to know that. I'm really, really sorry Y/N."
You took a deep breath in, "It's okay. It happened and it's over, whatever. Thanks for the apology. I forgive you. Bye Jun." You hung up, suddenly feeling drained.
"What the hell just happened?" You said to yourself, standing and walking over to the vending machine.

My endings are real bad, lol. I think I should do more supernatural and fantastical imagines, those are the most fun. :) have a great day!

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