Hoshi || Gangster

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(From Y/N POV)

We were so close. Our relationship was almost perfect. We knew everything about each other and we did everything together. It was like we were in our own little world. Besides each other, nothing mattered. But after time, we drifted apart. He wouldn't get home until really late. But would leave really early in the morning. I hadn't seen him for weeks. He wouldn't even answer my calls and texts. I got worried. We talked when he had the time. He said nothing was up, just that work was keeping him in longer. I told him to take a day off. He didn't agree at first, but he said he could find a way out of it. That obviously made me happy. Finally I could spend my time with my boyfriend.

"Soonyoung?!" I called from downstairs. "Breakfast is ready!" There was no answer.
"Hey?! Soonyoung?" I called out again. Still nothing. He must've slept in. I sighed peacefully as I set our food on the dining table.
"It's eight in the morning! What is he doing?" I asked myself as I started to wash the dishes.
"Soonyoung?" I yelled a third time, again I was unsuccessful. I decided to go up to our shared bedroom and see what he was doing. I stopped half way up the staircase when the was a knock at the front door. I went back down and opened the door. There was two men. They were both wearing black leather jackets and pants. Their hair was messy and they had a neutral expression. Like gangsters.
"Um, can I help you?" I asked in my clueless voice. One of them smirked and bent down to match my height.
"Who are you, huh? Hoshi's girlfriend?" He said, breath smelling like alcohol.
"I'm sorry, who's Hoshi?" I looked at them with a clear confused face. The second man let out a dry laugh and walked past me, inside the house.
"Hey! Who are you? Get out of me house!" I yelled, following the man into the kitchen. I was unaware the other man had made his way upstairs, looking around for the notorious Hoshi.
"Wonwoo, he's gone! The window is open!" I heard shouting from upstairs. The man I followed sighed before grabbing my wrist and dragging me back towards the front door.
"What are you doing? Let go of me!" I yelled trying to rip my wrist away from the man's grip. The man, presumably named Wonwoo, let out a low growl and forced me outside. Him still not letting go of me. I yelped in discomfort when the man pulled me closer to him so I wouldn't try to run off.
The other man came out of the house. "Okay, we'll take the girl instead." He walked past me, leaving the door open.
"Wait! Wait! I have something to say!" I yelled, steadying myself. The man who walked past stopped and turned around to look at me.
"If you're going to take me anywhere, can you at least lock the doors?" I reached into my pocket with my free hand and pulled out my house keys. I threw them to the man. He gave me a slightly amused look, but when he saw I was being serious, he ended up going over and locking up the house. The man came back over to me, shoving the keys into my hands. The man who was holding my wrist started to drag me again, pulling me over to a black Mercedes with dark tinted windows. I was pushed into the back seat, door slamming behind me. The two men got into the front seats and started to drive.
Wow... Nice car.
"You should put your seat belts on. I don't want to see two dead bodies at the front of the car if we have an accident." I said as I fixed myself into the seat. The men looked at each other and rolled their eyes, but they still made sure their belts were strapped.
"Okay, so can you please explain to me what's going on? I'm really confused and I can't cooperate if I don't know the situation..." I said innocently, looking back and fourth at each of the men.
The one, I assumed to be Wonwoo, sighed and started to explain, "Your boyfriend, Soonyoung, is in a gang. We are apart of his gang. For the past week, he hasn't been showing up to our raid plans. So that gives us the impression that's he trying to leave. But once you enter the gang, you can't leave. Not easily anyway. He didn't want to be in the gang in the first place, but it just ended up being that way. He must've known we were coming to bring him to our hideout because he left through the bedroom window. It's not like we want to do this either, but if we don't... We'll either get beaten up, or shot. I don't know about you, but I don't want to risk my life for hiding a friend. That's why we are bringing you back with us. We can question you. They won't kill you, you have nothing to do with the gang. Don't worry, we won't let them hurt you. We are the gang's good guys. In fact, all of us are good guys. We just pretend to be strong and violent so we don't get killed."
I hummed as he finished. "Right... This is quite some stuff. Interesting really. But what does this have to do with the Hoshi guy?"
"Hoshi is Soonyoung's gang name. It's kind of like a nickname. Only the gang members use it so the police won't find their real identity out if anything happens. Every member has one, we both have one." The other man answered.
"Okay, I see. You never introduced yourselves though."
"I'm Wonwoo, my gang name is basically Emo. They couldn't think of anything better." Wonwoo responded.
"And I'm Seungcheol. My gang name is S.Coups." Seungcheol replied.
"Well I'm Y/N." I smiled. "Can we get McDonald's or something? I didn't get to eat my breakfast because I was violently kidnapped from my house by two really attractive but scary men."
The two looked at each other again. They shrugged and kept driving, eventually pulling into a McDonald's car park.

After we ate, I was taken to a big, worn out warehouse which laid on the outskirts of town.
"Whoa! This is really something..." I whispered as they parked the car. I got out of the car and closed the door gently, walking up next to Wonwoo.
"Okay, listen to me carefully. You need to act like you're being hurt by us. We need to pull you in there and make it seem that we've violently... very violently, taken you hostage. Just pretend to be scared and in pain, okay? We're not actually going to hurt you, just pretend it hurts." Wonwoo said, making it sound like he was talking to a baby. I nodded as he took my wrist, making it look like he was holding it tightly. Seungcheol did the same to the other wrist.
"Struggle a little. It'll looked more believable if you try and get away." Seungcheol whispered as we approached the big warehouse doors. I did exactly what they told me. I was kicking, screaming and crying as I entered the big building. I made it look as believable as I possibly could. I was thrown in front of another man. He was dressed in similar clothes to Wonwoo and Seungcheol. He was a lot shorter though.
The man looked at me, bending down and holding my chin between his thumb and index finger.
"You must be Y/N? Nice to meet you, I'm Woozi. But you can call me Jihoon." He said in the most fake voice I had ever heard, even from a girl. I nodded and looked at him with frightened eyes. Obviously it was all an act, but he didn't know that.
"You know why you're here, don't you?" He asked, pulling my chin up to make me look at him. I nodded again. He gave me a smirk and went to open his mouth to say something else, only to be cut off by the squeaking sound of the doors opening.
"We found him!" I heard someone say. I whipped my head around to see Soonyoung being pulled over to Woozi by two other men. He looked weak and scared. I stood up and went to hug him, only to be harshly pushed back down by Jihoon.
"Hoshi, Hoshi, Hoshi..." Woozi began. "Your girlfriend is quite the looker. Would you mind if I took her as my own?" He put his hands in his pockets as he spoke. Soonyoung's expression turned to a look of anger and hatred.
At this point, I really wanted to talk. "Excuse me? Have you asked me about this? I don't want to date you. I'm happy as I am." I said, making Woozi laugh.
"Are you sure about that?"
I gave a definite and solid answer, "Positive."
Woozi pulled a gun out of his belt. Be pulled back the thing that makes a clicking sound and held the gun towards Soonyoung's head. I gasped silently.
Okay, now I was scared. Really scared.
"You want to risk your boyfriend for that answer?" He gave me a smug smile.
I didn't say anything.
"Good... I guess that means yes." Woozi looked back at Soonyoung, about to pull the trigger.
My eyes were shut tightly. I couldn't look, I didn't want to see. Tears fell down my face as I decided to open my eyes. He was lying next to me, on the hard, cold ground. There was a puddle of blood beside him. It was safe to say he was dead. They killed him. Woozi was dead. The one who could've killed my boyfriend.
I turned around to see Seungcheol, throwing his gun on the ground.
"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that." He laughed. I laughed with them, jumping up to hug Soonyoung.
"I'm sorry babe. I put us in danger. I'm so sorry!" He cried, hugging me until I could've breathe.
"I'm sorry for not protecting you. You know I could've singlehandedly killed all of these guys!" He smiled at my response.
"They're a lot nicer than you think."
"I know, but I'm just saying."
"I love you." He said just loud enough for me to hear.
"I love you too."

I didn't know how to end this. And it's obvious I have no gun knowledge. Sorry, Aussie here. This person's personality is exactly like my personality. Hehe...
:) have a great day!

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