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We both got woke up by a few police officers and men in suites coming into the room. "Boy's, could you wake up please." I woke up and then woke Austin. "Yes?" I asked them. "Well Mr. Mcarthy is in pretty bad shape, he's going to make it but someone has to explain how this happened." Austin said in a low voice, "It was me, I did it, that's how this happened." Raising up his hands to show the officers. "But he did it saving my life, it's not his fault. His dad attacked me and he saved me." They questioned us for a few more hours to get the exact details, then decided Austin wasn't to blame and said he wasn't going to be charged.

That was when the men in suites stepped in. "So we do have to address an issue now, sense both of your parents hurt you and one nearly killed your, ummm" Austin proudly said "My boyfriend, you can say it, it's not like the words are going to curse you or something." The man looked embarrassed "Yes, he nearly killed your boyfriend, we can't have you go back and live with them." So we are going to have to put you in the foster program, until you turn 18 or someone adopts you at least." Austin looked really sad, and started to cry, so I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him. "I probably won't be staying in this town will I?" the man looked like he got sad too. "Sadly it won't be likely." It was quiet for a few minutes, "I fought for us, and went through all this just to get taken away." Austin said while crying on me. "Sir, if someone here is willing to adopt him can he stay?" I asked the man. "There's a little bit of a process to it but, yes that is correct." Austin looked up at me "Your parent's can't adopt me, that would make this a little awkward, we would technically be brothers." Then I smiled and kissed his forehead, "I know this silly, but my best friend Vicki's parents have been wanting to take in another kid for a while now but they haven't gotten around to it, I bet me and Vicki could convince them." He stopped crying "You think they would take me?" he asked, "I know they will, who wouldn't want you?" he laughed a little and smiled. "Thank you Jacob, thank you so much!" he squeezed me then whispered in my ear "Now let's get these men to leave, we can deal with them tomorrow." He doesn't mean? Oh gosh he does. He put his hand on my cheek and started kissing me. But this time we went tongue and all, it didn't take 5 seconds for the men to clear the room. We both started laughing and went back to kissing.

A few days passed and we had finally finished up all the paper work. Austin was officially a member of Vicki's family and nothing could stop me and him now. We still hadn't been back to school yet and people where still texting us all asking about the picture, we both agreed just not to respond to them. But today was the day we were going back, Austin pulled up outside my house honking the horn. I went running outside "Tell Austin I said hi!" my mom yelled from behind me. I jumped in his car and we both kissed. "Good morning beautiful" he said "Morning gorgeous" I said back. I always love his compliments, he has a way of just making me feel so good about myself. The irony there, just 2 weeks ago we hated each other's guts, we were so mean to each other, and now he's the man I love, and I'm the one he loves. The bully and the bullied, found true love, I guess miracles do happen.



"You have to see the miracles for there to be miracles."

~Jandy Nelson

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