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The next day all my classes went by pretty fast, then again it was probably because I was zoning out thinking about Austin. I still couldn't shake the thought that he is actually pretty cute, with his dreamy eyes, and lushes blonde hair. When I was walking down the hall to go to lunch I saw Austin and his friends, I decided now is good as time as any to give my payback a test run. So I kept walking in their direction.

As I started going past Austin he grabbed me by the shirt and held me against the lockers "Where do you think you are going fag?" I just grin, which clearly made him angry because he tightened his grip, "What's so funny to you? Huh? Do I look funny or something?" he asked "Huh? Fag I said do I look funny!" With a cocky smile on my face I tested my luck "You are pretty funny looking to me." This made him so mad he lifted me off the ground slightly "Looks like the fag wants another beating!" he said while looking at me like he wants to kill me. "Can you at least be creative with your insults? Also Austin, are you really in the position to be making threats?" I confidently said. "Well you are the one being held against a locker, and I'm the one holding you there so yeah I think I am." he says with a very cocky tone. "Yeah but do you really want all of them to know?" I say glancing at his friends behind him. He tightens his grip "What are you talking about fag?" I just whisper to him "Here's a hint, the rainbow, last night." He turned pale when I said that and he let me down but didn't let go of my shirt. "I don't know what you are talking about fag!" he barked at me then walked away with his friends. He obviously knew what I was talking about, just a matter of time before he is so paranoid he will have to ask me what I know.

At the end of lunch, I get a text from him "Meet me under the bleachers at break!" I text back "fine". The paranoia got to him a lot quicker than I thought it would. When it was finally time for break I snuck out to the football field. He was standing there waiting for me, neither of us said anything at first then he said "What do you know fag!" yelling at me, not such a nice way to talk to the person who knows about your deepest secret. "Try that again a little nicer" I could see that ticked him off even more, but he managed to be somewhat polite and say "Will you tell me what you know already damn it?" I show him the pictures on my phone and his eyes widen and he turns pale all over again. "How did you get theses!" I just look at him seeing if he could catch on for himself but he doesn't, "It's a gay Night Club, and in case you forgot from the last time you bullied me, I'm gay." Neither of us say anything for a while, he finally says in a low and forceful voice "What do you want?", I give him an evil smile and say "You will be for me what all your little followers are to you, you will do what I say when I say it" "Hell no! I'm not going to be your lackey" he proclaims, "Well you can do as I say or you can learn to live in my shoes for a while." I give that a second to sink in "Starbucks, iced white mocha late' with whip cream, tomorrow morning" then I turn around and walk away before he could say a thing.

My heart was pounding as I walked away, half expecting him to grab me and beat me up again, or to yell some smart ass remark to me. But he didn't, I didn't look back until I got back just inside the school, but when I did look he was still under the bleachers, just pacing back and forth. Him with his cute face and muscly arms, yuck what am I thinking, that is the same guy who nearly killed me.

The rest of the day went by relatively quickly, I was zoning out again, and yep you guessed it, still thinking about Austin. How could I still like a man who hurt me like that? He hurt me physically and mentally, I never went the same way back to my car, in fear he would snatch me into the locker room again. But in the end it did feel good to stand up to him like that.

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