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I went to sleep that night wondering what he was going to do to Ryan, I just hope he doesn't hurt him to bad. The next day I got up and went out to his car and before I could even say good morning he said "I took care of your Ryan problem, you don't have to worry about him anymore." I instantly froze halfway in the door, "What did you do to him?" he grinned a little "I didn't do anything to him directly, I may have started a rumor around the school that he hit you because he likes you and that he is gay too." I didn't say a thing I just stood there half in his car, thinking about what he said. Why would he do something like that? That is exactly what I didn't want him to do, now he is going to get another kid bullied for being gay and he isn't even gay, at least I don't think he is. "Why would you do that! He didn't deserve that, maybe a black eye back, but not rumors like that spread about him!" I gave him a look of disgust, turned around and started walking to school.

I guess he was in shock or something because he didn't pass me for a good 10 minutes, when he did he pulled up next to me and tried to get me to get in the car. I just ignored him and kept walking, I was to mad at him, I actually was starting to think he was better than that, that he was changing, but I was mistaken. When I got to school he was waiting for me at the gate with my Starbucks in his hand, I took the coffee and he walked with me to class. When we were just walking in he started apologizing, "I'm so sorry Jacob, he hurt you and it was my fault, I couldn't just do nothing, please don't be mad at me." That last part ticked me off, "Not be mad at you! I'm furious!" I took my coffee and poured it on his head, he just stood there in shock. I saw Mrs. Farris out of the corner of my eye, she looked furious. "Mr. Booth you not only come late to my class with Mr. Mcarthy for what appears to be coffee, you then cause a seen like that! Have you lost your marbles! You used to be a role model student, but now you do something like this!" The whole time the class was laughing at Austin who was standing there with coffee dripping off of him. I ran out of the room without saying a thing.

Austin's Point of View

I had just pushed Jacob over the line, he is never going to forgive me now, now he is going to go send those pictures of me to everyone. "Mr. Mcarthy I think the embarrassment will serve as enough punishment." Mrs. Farris looked at me saying "Please go back to your seat." I need to go after him, if I want to have any chance at him not sending those pictures I have to. Still dripping in coffee I walked over to Mrs. Farris and whispered to her "Can I please go after him? I messed up and I am worried about him." She looked at me puzzled and said "Fine, but because I like Mr. Booth, you on the other hand are a delinquent in my eyes." I said thanks and went out the door.

Now where would Jacob have run off to, home? No he cares about school too much, the roof! Of course, it's the only place he could really go right now. I stepped out the door onto the roof and heard sobbing from around the corner. It had to be Jacob, I walked over to where the sobbing was coming from and saw him sitting on the ground against a wall balling his eyes out. But why was he crying? I'm the one who got coffee poured on me, I'm the one who fucked up, not him. It doesn't matter the point is he is crying and it's my fault. I sat down next to him and wrapped my arms around him, getting some of the coffee on his clothes. He leaned over and laid his head in my lap, I just held him and let him cry.

I actually feel really bad for him, is this what it feels like to care for someone? Maybe he was right, maybe I do care about him. No, I can't care about him, if I cared about him I wouldn't have hurt him. Still laying in my lap he mumbles "Promise me you will never spread rumors like that about someone again, and you won't make fun of anyone because of it. Never again." I smiled and said "I promise Jacob, never again." We just sat there like that for what felt like at least an hour. He finally sat up and had a weird grin on his face, "I can see I made someone a little happy." I was confused at first but then I noticed I got horny from him laying his head there. But why did I do that? I don't even like him like that. "Who says that you caused that?" trying to not admit it "Me because I had my head there for the past hour." I just giggled a little because I knew I couldn't get out of it.

We sat there next to each other staring off into the woods that surround our school. He started resting his head on my shoulder, which to be completely honest I didn't exactly mind. It was peaceful, I had no idea how long we had been there or how much school we were missing. But frankly I didn't care because it was just nice being up there, with him, yes I said it, with him, I enjoy being around him. I asked "Why didn't you send those pictures of me? You were mad at me and I pissed you off, that would have been the perfect payback." Without even looking up at me he said "Because I don't think anyone in the world deserves to go through that. Even you Austin, you don't deserve that. I never planned on sending anyone those pictures." He picked his head up and we were just staring into each other's eyes. He has beautiful brown eyes, they are just so captivating, it was actually quite comforting. He put his hand on my thigh so I put mine on his. Like clockwork we both closed our eyes and leaned in towards each other, next thing I know I was kissing him. It was amazing, I had never felt so much out of just kissing someone in my life, we must have been kissing for 30 seconds. I could just feel the sparks flying, is this what love feels like? Wait why am I kissing him? I can't, I can't kiss a boy, I can't date a boy, I can't do anything with a boy, if my parent's find out we would both be dead. I got up and ran away before he could say a thing.

Jacob's Point of View

"Wait Austin!" I shouted after him but it was too late, I heard the door to the roof slam. That kiss it was amazing, it was like all of the troubles in the world disappeared it was beautiful, he was beautiful, but why did he do that. Why would he just get up and run away from me like that? Did he not like it? Did he realize he didn't have to be around me anymore because I told him I never was going to actually send anyone the pictures? That had to be it, he realized he was free and he left. I guess I shouldn't be expecting a ride to school anymore. At that moment I burst out in tears, not because of the ride, but because, I opened myself up to him and was vulnerable. I showed that I liked him, and he ran away.

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