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"Jacob...Jacob...Jacob can you hear me? Jacob" I hear some girl yelling at me. I try to put together some sentence but all I could manage to utter was a long drawn out groan, or at least I think I made a groan. I couldn't really hear myself or much of anything for that matter. My ears where ringing and everything around me was really blurry, I could make out the sound of some kind of siren, at that point I guessed I was in an ambulance. I tried to talk again and managed to get out "What happ...." before I went unconscious again.

The humming of an MRI in my ear is all I hear as I come conscious again and try to sit up. Then a loud buzzing like an alarm happened and a big red light start flashing in the room. A bunch of doctors and nurses rushed into the room, they are yelling at me to lay back down but I was to out of it to care what they said. Two nurses started holding me down, one at my feet and one at my shoulders. Through the struggle I heard the Doctor yell "Sedate him!". I muttered out some sounds in an attempt to tell them not to do that. But it was too late, I was out in seconds.

I crack my eyes open to see someone shinning a really bright light in them. I move my arm up to cover my eyes so they would stop. Then I heard a girl saying "Jacob...Jacob...Jacob can you hear me?" I manage to nod my head, at that point she stopped asking if I could hear her and started poking parts of my body and asking "Can you feel that". I keep nodding my head but I was thinking "Of course I can feel you poke me everywhere with a damn needle" I decided to start taking a mental list of who I was going to bitch out when I was fully awake.

3 hours later

All the doctors and nurses finally decided to stop poking and prodding me and I started looking around. But before I could even figure out what day it was my parents came running in the room, my mom yelling "Oh my god Jacob thank the lord you are okay!" Both my mom and dad hugged me really tight "Nice to see you too" I responded, they were acting like they hadn't talked to me in like 2 weeks. Then a couple police officers and the school's dean walked in the room, the officers telling my parents they had to leave while they questioned me. My parents, not so happy, did as they were told.

I put together myself why the officers where here, but why the dean? That man has hated me sense the day he found out that I am gay. He gave me a whole hate speech making me miss an entire class, wasn't that smart on his part because I hold that over his head to this day. I have gotten away with skipping class and countless other things just by threatening to tell the school board about what he said. So why is he here in the hospital now? Honestly I don't care and at that point I decided he wasn't staying. One of the officers started to say something but I cut them off saying "Unless you can give me a valid reason he has to be here" pointing at dean Jefferson "I want him gone now or I'm not saying one damned word to you guys" The officer tries to start talking again but this time the dean cut him off "Watch your language!" he snapped at me. I gave him this look of; you know I have something above your head so don't tempt me. "I'm not at school so you have no jurisdiction over me, don't try your luck" I said in a smart ass tone. Before anyone could say another thing the officer asserted himself in the conversation, "He doesn't have to be here if you don't want him here, Jefferson if you could leave please" he said in a stern tone.

The dean left and the officers started asking me the questions they ask all victims of an attack, who did it? How many where there? Why did they do it? Do you know the person? But I stopped him in the middle of listing all his questions "I honestly don't remember a thing about the attack, I remember walking to my car, then waking up in an ambulance." This was a complete and total lie of course, I remembered every last little detail, down to the clothes his friends were wearing. For 30 minutes they kept trying to "kick start" my memory, but that didn't do anything besides tick me off, being my memory was fine. The reason I'm not telling them is because I want to get my own revenge, because what the cops would do for punishment versus what I have in mind is very different.

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