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Just as I thought it was all over for me "YOU ARE NOT KILLING THE MAN I LOVE!" I hear Austin scream, then Austin jumped on the man throwing him off of me. I gasped in for a breath and I actually got one. I was barely alive, then I looked over at Austin. He was on top of his dad striking him repeatedly. His face just had pure anger all over it, I had never seen him so mad. "Never again will you hurt someone!" he screamed while he kept hitting him in the face, punch after punch, it was ruthless. He was bleeding from all kinds of places, and Austin kept going. Then his dad stopped fighting back, he was either unconscious or dead but Austin didn't stop. Blow after blow each time harder than the last.

I got up and grabbed Austin "Just stop Austin, it's over just stop." His fists slowed down and he finally stopped. He got off top of the man, hugged me and started crying again. "That's why, that thing right there is why Jacob." He said to me, "But I don't think that thing is going to be hurting anyone anymore." He just saved my life, and he said he loves me. He actually said he loves me. "I love you too!" I yelled and kissed him, just like the first time the kiss was amazing. He made everything feel alright. "Maybe we should call an ambulance?" I said, he looked at me with an almost concerned face "He just tried to kill you, and you still want to call an ambulance for him?" I smiled and said "For the same reason I didn't send those pictures of you out, he doesn't deserve that, no one does. He may be a horrible man but he doesn't deserve to die. Plus, if he dies he can't go to prison." He smiled at me and giggled.

A couple ambulances and a bunch of cops showed up seconds later, maybe I should have been more descriptive to the operator then "Send an ambulances and some cops." All three of us where rushed to the hospital, somehow my parents managed to beat the ambulance there. They were freaking out at the hand marks on my neck but I just said "I'm okay mom, my bully saved my life." And I pointed at Austin going down the hall on a stretcher.

A few minutes later Austin came into the room with both of his hands wrapped up in gauss. Before he could say a thing my mom got up and squeezed him "Thank you! Our whole family owes you." Austin just gave me a look of, get this lady off of me. "Mom, let him go." He walked over and stood by me "Mom, dad, can we have a minute, please?" just like when the cops asked them to leave the first time I was in the hospital they didn't seem very happy but they walked out.

"Lay down with me." I said to him with a smile, he climbed into the bed next to me and surprisingly he started holding my hand. He never really struck me as the holding hands kind of guy. "So what happened to your hands?" I asked "Apparently hitting bone that many times and that hard with bone isn't good." He made me giggle a little, "So about what you said about the pictures." I looked at him a little confused "Yeah?" he pulled my phone out of my pocket, and pulled up my camera. Is he about to do what I think he is? He turned and kissed me, it was still just as amazing, he makes me feel complete. I don't know how he did it but he just made me feel amazing. Then he showed me my phone, there on my phone was a picture of us kissing. He fails to surprise me, he sent the picture to everyone in my phone, which is about half the school.

"Awwwwww! My baby is growing up!" I hear my mom out in the hallway. "I can still hear you mom." I yell out to her. I guess she took that as an invitation to run into the room. "I knew you would find a nice boy." Then she paused and looked puzzled "Wait a second, you said your bully saved you, so he's your?" before I could explain myself Austin says "Yes mam, I'm his bully, or should I say, was his bully." She just smiled at us "If you guys are happy I'm happy, I'll leave you two be." She said in a really happy voice and left the room. "You told your mom I'm your bully?" I just laughed and said "Well not exactly, but I mean I wasn't sure I could call you my boyfriend or I would have said that." He kissed me again, every single time he does I just feel sparks fly. "Well I think I just made us official, or at least to the whole school." I laughed at him and we both went to sleep there cuddling in the hospital bed."

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