the silence

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Vaguely a continuation of the noise? Words on a page, insights of healing? Who knows.

This one is a lot better when spoken aloud by myself, I understand that I am the only one who can capture the emotion, but I hope you enjoy it.


bleed from cuts on their skin,
inflicted by razors that have become extensions of themselves.

I bleed words on a page,
ink dripping from scars that refuse to heal,
carved by demons who can't be bothered to leave.

They say things get better with dawn,
I didn't believe them.

Lying in the ashes,
I could see the stars, infinite and beautiful,
for a fleeting moment the world was okay,
then the clouds rolled in, and the darkness was absolute.

Alone in the eternal night I wondered,
blind and alone, abandoned even by the voices that had plagued me so long,
through this barren wasteland,
all around me my hopes and dreams,
shattered, amongst the ashes of the life I once had,
no longer mine to live,
all around me is silence.

The wind blew the ashes about, blinding me with broken memories,
and though I could not see, I saw,
I saw through the cloud of darkness around me,
a parting gift from the supernova dark sun.

I saw that while the sun rises every day,
dawn is just an idea,
and waiting for dawn is like waiting for the end of time,
waiting isn't going to find dawn;

you have to find your dawn.

Dawn was defiance,
dawn was seeing that the world was only trying to drag you down,
holding you down with a web of lies oh so cleverly weaved,
I am defiance.

There is silence all around me, but I am the noise,
I am the wind howling at the gates,
I am the rain pouring down on dead roses,
I am the clash of lightning in the storm,


I am the sun rising against the night,
I am my own healer,
higher and higher I rise,
soaring among the clouds as you lie on the dirt floor that is your deception.

You sink ever lower in your filth and I am among the stars,
the stars I had dreamt of for so long,
blinding in their infinite beauty,
untouched by the world's darkness.

I am defiance,
I am a star,
forever shining in the face of darkness,
so far above you, untouchable.

There is only silence,
I need not make noise,
you can't hurt me anymore.

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