6*; body paint.

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"No Zayn don't you dare touch my brushes." I warn him before he gets to touch them.

"Ugh fine." He says as he keeps roaming around the room.

"What are those?" He asks pointing at some bottles.

"Those are body paint bottles, you can't touch that either."

"But I like this one." I turn around once again, looking at which one he has.

Glitter body paint.

"Specially leave the glitter ond, I need it."

"But I like it."

"Okay so? It's not like you will use it, but i will."

"Who said I won't." He smirks at me and comes closer.

"Zayn don't do anything stupid." My eyes widens as he opens the bottle.

"Okay okay I will leave it." He says as he drops it on the desk.

That was easy.

"Thank you, now get out so I can finish my painting."

"Nah I'll just sit and watch."  He says as he sit on the couch behind me.

I'll never win an argument with him so I'll just let him stay.

I turn to my painting and dip my brush in the red color and paint.

About ten minutes later I hear Zayn getting up, hope he's leaving.

I feel his appearance behind me, guess he's not leavening.

he wraps his arms around my waist and mouths at shoulder blade.

I try to wiggle free from his embrace, he untangles his arms from around me and turns me around.

"Why are you acting like this?" He asks confused.

"Really Zayn? You forgot your earlier attitude so fast?" I'm still mad at him.

"Babygirl you know I didn't mean to act like that, I just don't like the idea of someone else having you." He says as he strokes my cheek.

He had me at babygirl, I aint gonna lie.

"But Zayn, no one but you has me, I'm yours and only yours." I wrap my arms around his neck.

"Fuck yes, you're only mine." He grabs my face and kisses me hard, I kiss him back with as much force. I missed his lips on mine.

He backs away breathing heavily, "you are so beautiful baby, I just wanna fuck you all the time." He bites his lips.

"What are you waiting for then." I pull him down to kiss him again.

"I wanna kiss every inch of your skin babygirl."

The thought of his soft lips on my body had me clenching and unclenching.

He kisses my right cheek, then he trails his lips across my other cheek, kissing my lips on his way, after he kisses around my left cheek he kisses my forehead, then he kisses my nose, making me giggle, he smiles at me and kisses my lips again, then he kisses my chin which also had me giggling.

Love Drought | z.m ✔️Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum