“Sure let’s go.” Honey said with a smile. She had missed her friend’s fun and lively attitude but with Brooke in hospital recently, she hadn’t had time to catch up.

“So tell me what’s been going on? Seen any more of that mystery man of yours?” Polly sent her a suggestive look which made Honey wonder what she should tell her friend.

“I told you Rosie died right?” Honey said a little sadly.

“Yeah but that’s all you told me. So have you seen her nephew?” Polly pressed as they drove along.

“He was there at the funeral of course. Polly I swear he is the best looking guy but that saying if looks could kill you’d be dead? I can imagine him doing that. Sometimes he looks at me like….I’m his next meal and I’ve only seen the guy a few times.” Honey said with a shiver.

“Sounds scrumptious.” Polly said cheekily as she pulled up outside a fairly new building with sultry music throbbing from it. “Let’s go! I’m so excited to be here.” Polly had jumped out of the car to join the queue at the front doors.  Honey could hardly even prepare herself for her friend’s enthusiasm.  

He smelt her long before she walked into the room and his throat began its familiar burn He went tense, knowing this was the last place she should be. They would all want her the same way he did and that had him instantly on edge. He had to get her away from here but how?

The pure bloods in here were more powerful than he was. He had simply come for some advice over what to do about his innocent and now she was here! In exchange for information he had promised his blood to them which they were draining from him even now. He could never understand their fascination for his bastard blood but he never argued.

He was going to be far too weak to protect her. How could he keep the twenty odd pure bloods from getting to her before he could? Finally they stopped his bloodletting into their precious vial. The oldest one faced him with skin that looked so thin as to be almost translucent when he tried to smile.

Aiden felt the loathing they all had for his kind and wondered why he had come here. He should have figured this out for himself. Now she would be in danger from more of his kind than just him. Anger flowed through him, why had she come here? She didn’t seem the type for this kind of foray.

“You wonder why we ask blood for payment do you not Aiden?” The older man thrummed his fingers on the arm of his elaborate chair, his red eyes seeming evil in the dim light.

“Yes but that is not why I’m here.” Aiden answered decisively

“We are jealous of you at times. To feel the warmth of the sun against your skin, rather than a scolding burn. The taste of human food is a treat we enjoy. Mostly it is that your heart can pound, your skin can crawl and it is these human sensations we often miss. Your blood allows us that freedom even if only for a brief time.” The man said wistfully.

 Aiden was shocked by this knowledge. He had always thought half breeds were looked down upon; instead it seemed that he was envied. Perhaps that is why he felt such loathing from all in this room, they were jealous of the freedoms he had.

“I had no idea.” Aiden muttered.

“I know. So what information would you like to know?” The older man asked.

In that second of time she entered the building and he could no longer think of anything but her safety. He gulped in air knowing that every male eye in the room would be watching her right now. A snarl curled in the back of his throat, knowing he would have to protect her.

“May I ask another time? Something has come up.” Aiden forced his voice to calm but was sure it didn’t succeed.

“Certainly. I wouldn’t take too long or I may ask for more payment. What has changed?” The older man said before tilting his head and breathing deeply. “I think I understand now. She, this sweet smelling one is your innocent correct?”

Mystery Man Revealed (Now Published so sample only)Where stories live. Discover now