"Casejack (Casey Jones and Applejack) story pt 2"

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A/N: just a quick note: I'm so sorry I haven't update in a long time. With so many works I probably have to delete some things. But for now enjoy the chapter

School was not everyone's special little subject of the day. The sun hitting their eyes could only make it so annoying. No one likes to be in the dark, but no one likes to sit on a class learning about something they wouldn't want to learn.
Students sat in the World History class as their teacher talked about the war between General George Armstrong Custer, and chief Sitting Bull. Casey didn't exactly focus on the board from his teacher just like the rest of the students. Some students threw paper balls, some were whispering or passing notes, and of course, others were on their phones. Casey, on the other hand, wasn't exactly focus on that. He was to be writing in his little journal once again.
"Tuesday, September 6,
Summer is over... Boo! Not exactly the summer of my life as I wanted it to be, but oh well. I haven't done much. All I did was visit the guys in the lair and that was it. When April came back, she was in tears for her aunt. I had to hug her, but of course Donnie loved being in the way. I swear he just likes to be in the way. World History is soooo boring! I do anything to get out of this class. You know, now that I think about it, I haven't visit Apples and Veggies in a long time. Last time I was there, there was that cute girl. Applejack I think was the name. I haven't really told my friends about her and the new store, but honestly why would it catch their attention? Jones is thinking of patrolling tonight with the turtles again! Gonna be saving the day I'll bet. Too bad April can't come. No biggie. I like annoying Raph to death."
He chuckled at his last sentence in the book. But then his little smile left when he felt a paper ball hit his head from some people on the back. Obviously it would be Casey's little rival, Zachary Osborne. Just like most bullies, this guy was known to be good looking and was always getting everyone's side on everything. Luckily smart people like Jones and April knew better.
When class ended, Casey went to his locker to put away his World History book and to grab his phone to see if he got a call from anyone. It was Mikey telling him to meet them at 7:00 sharp. He only hoped for adventure.
Suddenly, the voice of April O'Neil made him jump a bit. "So Casey, I'm hoping you have listen in class today."
He chuckled and turn to face her. "Oh totally. You know that's my style."
She giggled at him.
"I'm sorry April. I can't really focus in that class."
"I know." She said. "That Zachary is becoming a bad example of being 'special'."
"I still don't see how girls find him attractive! I mean I am for sure but still!"
April laughed at him and said, "I'm sorry I couldn't join you and the..." Then she whispered, "turtles tonight." Apparently since the two still had to keep them a secret, they wouldn't want people ease dropping, especially how that's all the students ever do.
Casey smiled and closed his locker. "No big deal red. The most I'll be doing is annoying Raph. It's a fun hobby."
April's smile came back as she said, "Well you better not annoy him too much."
"I'll try." He winked to his pal and crush.
Then the two headed for lunch. Casey was thrilled for it was his favorite: sloppy joe.

Later that day...

Silence rage the streets of New York, and barley souls walked through the streets to find taxis or their restaurants. Luckily no one seemed to be onto the roofs of the buildings for the four mutants turtles and Casey Jones gets to see from a view of the city. It was their patrol and they were on the search for either the Kraang or any sign of Shredder's minions. Nothing has popped into Leo or Donnie's eyes as they searched.
Mikey, Raph, and Casey, on the other hand, were sitting and waiting for a signal or anything to be ready. Raph didn't exactly do much but sat quietly trying to hold his anger in. His anger was being lifted by Casey and Mikey as the two were being goofy to the angry turtle. They were trying to tickle him, and obviously they haven't found his spot of the most sensitive part of his skin. They were above him on a glass triangle window, mostly poking lightly on his neck. The most he was doing was move them away from him.
"Dang it!" Mikey whispered to Casey. "I can't find it. I remember him laughing because someone found it."
"Have you tried the armpit?" Casey asked the orange mask turtle.
"Not yet. Let's see." Mikey leaned down a little more with Raph noticing and reached into his armpit wiggling his two index fingers. "Tickle tickle tickle!"
Raph tried to hold it in, but it was too much. He bursted out into laugher. He water reach up his eyes from the sensitive feeling. This was fun for he two goofy ones, but it didn't last as they wanted it to.
Raph grabbed the wiggling wrists and threw Mikey over him to smash him on his shell. He growl to him instead of laughing and put his little brother's head into a headlock. "What have I told you about-"
"Guys!" Their oldest brother caught their attention as they looked at his face of irritation. "How many times do I have to tell you two? We. are. ninjas! We have to stay silent."
"Sorry Leo." Mikey said lifting his lock head towards him. "Just trying to have fun without my T-phone."
Casey chuckled and said, "Hey, you can't blame us dude. There's not much to do since nothing is happening."
"Then why did you offer to come?"
"No reason."
"It doesn't matter if you have no reason. You should-"
"Hey guys!" Donnie said getting the attention of his brothers as he still remain looking down from the building they stand. "Check it out!"
The other three turtles and human ran to stand upon Donatello and saw some old enemies of theirs: the Kraang. They were out in the far open with some strange big boxes filled with the glowing Aqua lights. It seemed to be mutagen.
Leonardo's eyes caught the mutagen as they were putting it in their van they drive in. "Mutagen? Of course."
"Look at what containers they're in." Donnie said handing Leo the magnifying glass.
As Leo held it up to his right eye, he looked at the containers his brother mention. They weren't like the original way the mutagen was kept hidden. They looked to be in some strange small little bottles. They almost looked like eye drops. He pulled them away and said, "That's odd. Why would they use that instead?"
"Maybe the mutagen came to alive and broke the other containers!" Mikey suggested.
"That is just dumb! Mutagen isn't an alive thing or whatever." Raph said as he smack his little brother's head.
"So what do we do?" Casey asked with his grin upon him.
"We'll have to take those boxes away. Casey you stay up here and keep guard."
His frown disappeared from the words from Leonardo. He looked at the blue mask turtle and ask, "Uh, why I am not gonna help?"
"You are by staying up here and keeping an eye out. You never know who can spot us."
"Yeah but-"
"Let's move!" Raph jumped off the building with the others seconds behind him.
Casey sighed as he remain behind. "This is ridiculous!" He said walking away from the view of his friends. "I could help them out, but they probably think I'm a wimp. Well Casey Jones will..."
Suddenly, his voice trailed away as he heard strange footsteps close by the building. He may not be a ninja but he sure has good hearing. He mostly hard it from a small far distance, seemed to be where the sidewalks were.
He began to think he should tell the person to walk away, but what if it's one of Shredder's evil henchmen, or another Kraang? Casey had to take action!
He put down his mask and jumped the side of the building. He kneeled down to her the footsteps getting more closer and closer to him. He began to slowly grab his hockey stick, and one more step had to come...
Then he jumped out of the shadows and yelled in fury raising his hockey stick in the air. But then he was hearing another scream but from the person he faced was a girl. Farm girl to be exact. He sighed seeing it wasn't a threat, but then he studied her more of those light green eyes.
Before he could say anything, he felt a bump hit his head, which gave him little pain. He groaned at the kick Applejack had given him and fell backwards on his back. He lifted his head up but was blocked by the boot she laid on him.
Applejack then raised her fist to make it at the right spot of Jones's mask.
"Whoa whoa whoa! Applejack wait!" He begged, hoping she would stop in time.
She paused a moment and looked down at the hockey mask stranger very puzzled. "How in the name of heavens do you know my name?"
Without responding, Casey reached up to his mask and pulled it off to reveal his face towards the farm girl. He smiled to her, hoping she recognized him.
She immediately did and sigh, "Oh, it's you." She chuckled and pulled her boot off him. She then reached a hand out to Casey and lifted his to stand back up. "Sorry about that, but you don't just jump out of an alley and then don't expect to be pounded."
"Sorry about that too." He chuckled with a blush of his embarrassing moment. "I was only trying to protect the city from harm."
She looked puzzled again and asked, "What kind of harm?"
"You do not wanna know. I thought I would never see you again AJ."
"Just a little name I decided to give you."
"Oh alright. Everyone calls me that anyway. Same here Jones."
"Your store and farm turning out alright?"
She shrugged her shoulders with a sigh. "It could be better. People like to complain about not getting enough service, but we can't always do that, especially how I only have two siblings and one granny."
"Well it's good to see you still walking the streets farm girl. I'm assuming you don't take school?"
"Actually I do go to CHS, Canterlot High. It's a little far out from the city."
"Man, I'm never seeing these places. Maybe I should visit one day."
She giggled and smiled to him. "Maybe you should. Sorry I haven't called yet. I haven't exactly got a phone, but I am to get one soon."
"Well that's good. I would non-stop text you."
"Wouldn't that be fun?" She laughed.
Suddenly, the sounds of yelling and slamming came to the two humans. They could hear the battle from far distance. Who knew they could be so loud?
"What in the hay is going on over there?" She asked trying to look over Casey.
Immediately, he grabbed her by her shoulders and said, "You know, you probably don't wanna head down this way. It's a bit too dangerous for some people. Where you heading to?"
"Oh just the pharmacy."
"Well there is another way to get there." He then pointed down the street and have directions to her. "If you go down this street and take a right, then go forward across a street, and then once you past two building a little close together, you should be able to find it."
"Well alrighty. That's mighty kind of you. Thanks. I hope to see you soon Jones."
He chuckled and said, "Same here Applejack."
Then as she walked and followed his directions to the opposite side, he watched her. But once she was out of sight, he began to wonder if he should go back on rooftops or follow?
He did think he should go back up so no one would yell and question him. But then he thought of what danger Applejack could be in. She could fight but on her own?
So then climbed back on the roofs and ran to follow the farm girl as she walked following the directions she was given. He wasn't even sure if his directions were in the right place.
But then he saw her enter the pharmacy and sighed in relief. He began to imagine the yelling Leo or Raph will be giving him right now.
He smiled looking back at the small building and said, "It was all worth it."

A/N: now I don't know if I'll update soon. I am so behind, and heck more distracted then I've ever been. Hopefully we'll be back with another chapter. Bye!

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