"Dannlight (Danny Phantom and Sunset Shimmer) story pt 1"

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A/N: okay I know. Crappy couple name ever! If you guys got a better one for me, that would be awesome! Lol anyway, I adore this couple on some levels. Hopefully their story will be as good as the others. Enjoy!

"NOOOOO! Don't go Sunset! We can't bare to let you leave us like!" Pinkie whined as she held the ankle of her red and golden hair friend.
The girls looked down to their pink friend and only a few giggled. "Pinkie, she's not gonna stay there forever." Applejack said, hoping she would listen. "Sunset is only staying at Casper high for a week."
"That'll be way too far gone away from us!" Pinkie yelled.
As much as it was sweet that the pink party girl cared, it was also very silly on so many levels. Sunset Shimmer, a formal student at Canterlot High, was about to witness to a new school a little far from her old school. She wasn't going to stay there long, but she was going to past through the halls of her new school. This was Casper high's little helping hands music festival, and Sunset Shimmer was honored to be the host of the event. She would be given a speech to the citizens of the new location and hope to make even more new friends. Though, Sunset has never been to another school in all of her life, only CHS. She only hoped no one outside of their school heard about her terrible actions she put toward this school.
She giggled as she pulled her ankles to be away from Pinkie and said, "You know I'll come back once it's over Pinkie Pie."
"But it'll be soooo lonely without you!" The pink girl stood on her feet very quickly bolting to be closer to Sunset. "We're all like a pile of sticks stuck in glue. If one of us was torn apart from the sticky mess, then that stick would leave us, and then would run off to another school to meet new friends, have a better life and give a speech to a festival that doesn't help us make much money! We'll be lost!"
The girls stood silent, a little bit surprise by their happiest friend's stress. It made sense a bit if Sunset was her old greedy self, but they knew perfectly well she would never leave them.
Twilight Sparkle, a new student who came from Crystal Perp, step to the pink poofy hair girl to place a comforting hand into her shoulder to say, "Pinkie, I'm very sure Sunset would never do that. She wouldn't even want to herself." She looked up to meet those aqua blue eyes of Sunset. "Right Sunset Shimmer?"
"Right." She nodded to them both. "Besides, I'll be sure to write to you girls once I get there."
Pinkie was blown away and looked much more closer to Sunset with we grin growing wide. "You will?!"
Sunset couldn't help but giggled at the expression Pinkie was giving her. But she was able to held it all in to say, "Of course I will."
Pinkie pulled herself away and jumped in the air squealing. Confetti was thrown into the orange sky and the sound of a party canon was blown off, though there wasn't one nearby; thank heavenly for that. She landed on her two feet to say, "I'm alrighty for that!"
"We will certainly miss you darling." Rarity added holding her white hands together.
Then Fluttershy spoke in her soft gentle voice. "Me too. It must be a bit scary for you to meet a new school with so many different people you may not know."
"Oh please!" Rainbow Dash patting Fluttershy's back as gently as she could without hurting her. "Sunset is like the toughest nerd around! She'll handle them."
Sunset felt confident at Dash's words of loyalty, but then caught herself with what was left as a negative way to say. "Wait, how am I a nerd?"
"Uh duh! You almost beat Twilight in that math Algebra test when we were doing the Friendship Games. That counts."
Sunset only nodded her head, trying to find some way to find that a nice way t say she'll be alright.
Then the sound of steam engine stopping and a bus horn being blown was a signal that the bus was here. The driver of the bus poked his head out to the girls to shout, "Next stop is Casper high!"
It was a by surprising to see the bus drive from different places. This guy must be very tiring.
Sunset looked back to her friends and joined into their group hug they wanted to share with her one last time before she was gone for the week. She felt the warm touches of her friends as they hugged her a little tighter, wishing her good luck on her adventure on her own. She pulled away from them and said, "I'm gonna miss you girls so much. Without you all, I never would have made it through with this. Thank you all." She gave them one last hug and headed for the bus door as it opened for her. She looked back to the six friends and waved her hand. "See you girls in a week!"
She stepped in to find a seat and felt the bus be in motion as it began to drive. Once she found a spot to sit, she saw her friends outside of the window running towards the bus, shouting and waving goodbye. Once they were in a distance to where they were gone, Sunset laid back to relax.
As the girls stopped running and shouting, Pinkie ran past them to grab her blow horn out. Then she took a deep breath with all of her might to yell into the horn. "DON'T FORGET TO WRRIIIIIITTTTEE!!!!"
The entire earth shake, and everyone fell onto the ground as the trees were blown from the hard wind. Even the windows from Canterlot High, including Twilight's glasses, were broken from the loud vibration. Once it all settled, Pinkie looked back at her friends unsure and asked, "Do you think she heard me?"

Later that day...

Sunset wasn't exactly sure how long it had been since she's been on the bus. She was exhausted, mostly from boredom, and was already taking her nap on the bus. During that whole ride, she was doing nothing but worked on her speech for helping hands music festival. She was suppose to study the way students as CHS were behaving, of how their school can somehow find a way to make it a better place. But she was already coming up with thoughts and wanted to write it somewhere. She couldn't just ignore it and then forget what she had plan.
Sunset Shimmer really wanted to make a good impression to the school she was going to be introduced to. She's heard many rumors of it, of how it was somehow, 'haunted'. There were a few stories that hit her of the school. One was where a student counselor made students lose their spirit in the celebration of their school, and looked pale and miserable. There was also rumor of how a pop star hypnotized the entire school with her music and name. It was funny since she's never heard of Ember; but it seemed no one has anymore.
Sunset Shimmer woke up from the sun hitting her face as it began to rise. She decided to take a guess that it was morning since she left CHS in the mid of the afternoon. That was actually lucky timing since she has to be in there in time.
Sunset began to feel more nervous as she noticed this wasn't her town she grew to know and love. This was where Casper high was located, but it made her nervous with how the appeal of citizens were shown to her by the windows. She wasn't sure she can do this.
But then Sunset Shimmer took a glance inside her backpack and looked at the same old book she would use to write to the princess of friendship. She wasn't exactly planning to show that to anyone. Who would believe her if she told the truth? Though she would love for some advice from the princess.
But she shook her head and decided this was her mission... Kinda. She needed to do this on her own.
She had her little snack from the crackers she took from home, but put them away when she saw the letters, 'CASPER HIGH' printed on the building. She smiled at the bricked building and stood on her feet as the bus stop. Once Sunset found herself off the bus, she was greeted by one of the oldest, but most proudest teachers, mr. Lancer. His bald head was what caught Sunset's attention and disgust.
But she didn't intend to make a insult. "Um, hi there." She smiled awkwardly to the teacher.
"You must be Sunset Shimmer." Mr. Lancer said as his small smile was still upon his face. "I am mr. Lancer. I'm here to give you a tour of the school and instructions of what you'll be doing in your time of need here. And I think I speak for everyone when I say, we're very lucky to have you here."
That made Sunset's confident grow upon her. Maybe she can do this. It couldn't be too hard. Besides, Sunset Shimmer has done many adventures of becoming her own she-demon, saving her school from evil sirens, and stopping another she-demon of her own best friend. How could she not handle something as simple as Casper high?
He lead her the way to the front of the school doors, and held open one of them to let her in first. As Sunset took her step inside, her face went from a exciting little girl, to a face of horror.
The students in the hallways were a bit more different than she thought. Bullies, mostly jocks, were shoving students into their lockers, girls who were into nothing but their makeup were laughing to other girls who didn't dare to put eye shadow upon them, and most of all, there was a mess everywhere on the floors and walls.
How, in Sunset's words, was this a high school?
Mr. Lancer appeared next to Sunset Shimmer horrified as well. Then when it was time for him to be the teacher, he spoke to Sunset hoping this could help her.
"VERY lucky."

To be continued...

A/N: wow. I somehow do better when I'm writing at night other than daylight. But enough of that. It's time for bed. I hope you all enjoyed this and goodnight!

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