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   guyS LOOK AT HOW CUTE MY FRIENDS DOG IS!!! Okay carry on reading that was just something I really thought was necessary to share with you guys!! ~Andrew

   AfroJoe: Oui I'm on my way over now, everything good?

Sandy: yeah I'm fine. I'm just a lil nervous I guess

Sandy: I don't think my mom will really care

Sandy: but it's still not an easy thing to do

Sandy: it was hard enough coming out to my father

   AfroJoe: just know that I will be with you every step of the way <33

   AfroJoe: also I'm walking up to your front door right now so you should probably let me in :P

   Sandy: youRE SO CUTE ONE SE C


   Andy pocketed his phone and walked up to the front door, opening it and smiling at the sight of Joe.

"Hey." Andy said plainly.

"Hi." Joe responded, smiling lightly.

Andy stepped aside and let Joe step in, his breathing becoming heavy and his body beginning to tremble. Joe noticed and looked down at Andy with admiration.

"Andy, we don't have to do this. If you're not ready, than we can wait." Joe said, his voice calm and alluring.

Andy just shook his head.

"No. I've waited this long. I can do this." Andy said, looking around before pressing a quick kiss to Joe's lips and walking into the living room where his mother was sat watching television, Joe following suite.

Both of the boys walked down to Andy's mother and sat down next to her, Andy clutching Joe's hand behind them where Andy's mother couldn't see. Andy's mother looked over at them and smiled.

"Why hello Andy, who's this?" She asked kindly, gesturing towards Joe who smiled politely and shook her hand with his free one.

Andy still could not believe that in the year they had been dating, his mom still didn't know who Joe was. Incredible.

"Hey mama, can we talk?" Andy said timidly, gripping Joe's hand even harder.

Joe ran his thumb over Andy's knuckles as a calming gesture to help sooth Andy's anxiety.

"Of course, darling. What's wrong?" His mother asked, pausing her show and sitting up lightly.

"So mama, ya know how you always said that I could be anything I wanted and you wouldn't mind and you'd always be there to support me?" Andy started and his mother nodded, concern trailing in her expression.

"Well, mama..." Andy started looking back at Joe, who smiled lightly and nodded.

"I'm gay, mama." Andy finished, looking at his mother for a sign or discomfort or disgust.

She showed neither of those signs, only smiled instead and pulled Andy in for a hug. Andy let out a sigh and let go of Joe's hand to wrap his arms around his mother and hug her tightly, tears beginning to form in his eyes.

"Andy, I will always love you for who you are, whether you're gay, straight, transgendered, whatever it may be. I love you for you." His mom said, kissing his forehead before letting him go.

Andy instantly pressed his head into Joe's neck and sobbed as Joe held him close and rubbed his shoulders lightly.

"Babe, why are you crying?" Joe chuckled lightly.

"I don't know, honestly. I'm just a bit overwhelmed I guess." Andy answered through a sob.

"Hey is everything alright down ther-oh Joe! Hey there bud, how's it been? What's going on down here?" Andy, his mother, and Joe all looked up to see Andy's father smiling and walking down the stairs, his smile breaking when he noticed Andy's current state.

"Andy? What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, papa, I'm just emotional that's all." Andy smiled, cuddling further into Joe's side.

Andy's father looked over at Joe with a knowing look and Joe only smiled and nodded, knowing exactly what his dad was asking.

"Well I'm glad everything worked out so well. I'll let you guys have your moment." His dad said before turning and walking back upstairs.

"Thank you for being so understanding, mama. Your support is so wonderful." Andy sighed happily, smiling over at his mother.

"That's what Mom's are for. Also, pardon me, but Andy who is this lovely boy you have brought into our home?"

"Oh this is Joe. My boyfriend." Andy said, smiling up at his baby boy proudly.

"That's wonderful! Joe, welcome to the family." Andy's mom smiled, sticking out a hand for Joe to shake.

   "It's a pleasure to meet you." Joe said kindly.

   "So Andy, will Joe be staying for dinner?" His mother continued.

"It's up to you. Do you want to stay, babe?" Andy asked, looking up at Joe.

"Sure, as long as I'm not imposing." Joe smiled politely.

"Oh it's no trouble, love. You're always welcome. You're like family to us now." Andy's mom smiled, standing up and walking into the kitchen to start cooking.

"You alright?" Joe asked as Andy wiped some tears off of his face and smiled as he looked into Joe's eyes.

"Yeah. Thank you for everything." Andy exclaimed, running his nose back and fourth between Joe's before kissing him gently.

"It's what good boyfriends do." Joe replied, taking Andy's hand into his own and smiling at Andy.

Oh how lucky Joe was to have met this boy.


The End!!!!

Oh my goodness gracious I'm a lil sad I had to end this story (not really the ending wasn't really all that great but you know) I honest to god got pretty attached to this story and now that I'm done with it I don't know what to do with myself wtf I still have like a whole month of summer left.

But, nonetheless, thank you for being such kind individuals! I love you all so much!!! ~Andrew

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