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Pepe waltz: yo okay not to like prod but are you guys like doing the relationship or whatev?????

Cowboy-boot sideburns: "doing the relationship"

Hurls: nah

Hurls: not yet anyway (wink wonk)

Cowboy-boot sideburns: oHh hO

   Cowboy-boot sideburns: I like where this is going

   Hurls: don't get any ideas yet ya skrub

   Cowboy-boot sideburns: says the guy who just admitted to the fact that we could possibly start dating one day

   Hurls: ya got me there

   Cowboy-boot sideburns: fuGcKiN rRIGhT I dO

   Pepe Waltz: what a magical scene unraveling in front of me


   Cowboy-boot sideburns: I also ship it

   Hurls: what would our ship name be?

   Cowboy-boot sideburns: jandy?


   Pepe Wentz: wHAT ABOUT TROHLE Y

   Cowboy-boot sideburns: ooh no wait I like that

   Cowboy-boot sideburns: Trohley aWh that sounds so precious

Hurls: that's so great honestly

Pepe Wentz: Trohley it is than :D

   Hurls: anyway I'm tired so I'm going to bed

   Hurls: goodnight you hoes

   Cowboy-boot sideburns: goodnight love <333

   Hurls: figHT ME

+ ((A/N: Point of view change aye ~Andrew))

   Joe giggled and locked his phone, setting it down on his bedside and turning his attention to a giggling Pete sat next to him on his bed. Joe cocked his eyebrow and gave Pete a playful shove.

"What's got you all giggly?" Joe asked and Pete only chuckled more.

"Nothing. It's just you and lover boy over there are so cute I can't."

"Come on Pete, we're not dating."

Pete looked up at Joe gently after what Joe had said. Joe said it with so much sincerity and sadness which had thrown Pete off a bit.

"Do you want to date him?" Pete asked.

   Joe thought about it. I mean, of course Joe wanted to date him. He was everything Joe wanted in a guy and more. But Joe was offset. He was so plain and simple. No one ever really wanted him. Andy probably doesn't even like him. Joe's almost 100% and was joking about the dating thing.

After all, who would want someone like Joe?

"Joe?" Pete asked, waving his hand in front of Joe's face.

"Wha-oh sorry. Zoned out a bit there." He stuttered.

"But am I right?"

Joe bit his lip.

"Yeah you are. I just love this guy. Yeah, I haven't met him and know basically nothing about him. I just have a good hunch. He makes me happy in ways I can't describe." Joe rambled and Pete held his hands over his mouth and let out a small speak.

"Oh my god that is so precious." Pete gawked and Joe jokingly shoved Pete off of the bed with his foot.

   Pete held his stomach and looked up at Joe from his place on the floor.

   "So why don't you ask him out or something?" Pete remarked and Joe scoffed.

   "It's not that easy, unfortunately. I don't even know where the guy lives. He could live in fucking Russia or some shit and I'd have no idea."

   "Just ask him man. Who knows. Maybe fate will bring you two together somehow." Pete winked and Joe simply blushed and scooped down to gently slap Pete.

   Maybe Pete was right. Maybe fate could take play here.

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