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Hurley: hey my mom wanted me home so I left but are you feeling better now?

Trohman: yeah thank you for coming over, you really didn't have to do that

Hurley: I wanted to do it though!!

Trohman: my goodness you are so precious

Hurley: fight me you're adorable

Hurley: also would it be okay if you came over today?

Trohman: of course, what's up?

Hurley: well I was kinda wanting to finally come out to my mom and I want you to be with me just in case something goes wrong

Hurley: I feel like I'll be able to do it better if you're next to me

Trohman: awh babe I'd be honored

Trohman: I'll be over in a little bit okay?

Hurley: thank you

Trohman: of course babe, I love you

Hurley: I love you too! <333

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