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   ((A/N: sorry for the late upload, I've been painting all day and I kinda lost track of time :P ~Andrew))

   It almost seemed like the world was against Andy and Joe's date because it seemed as if the week had gone by much too slow for either of the boys liking. Andy spent the next few days pestering his friends for assistance. They took him out to get clothes, perfumes (he even got some light foundation because hey who knows) and they even helped him with a hairstyle because -according to his best friend, Ryan- throwing his hair messily into a ponytail isn't "appropriate" for a first date.

"Oh my god dude, relax. He's going to like you regardless of what socks you're wearing." Ryan sighed, falling back onto Andy's bed next to Brendon as Andy apprehensively flatted the wrinkles out of his shirt.

"I know that but still." Andy retorted.

"Don't you think you're overemphasizing the situation just a bit?" Brendon asked, sitting up and looking over at Andy.

Andy sighed and pushed a strand of hair out of his eyes and turned to face Brendon and Ryan. He let out a small chuckled and sat on the edge of the bed that was unoccupied.

"Of course I'm putting to much thought into it. I know I am. It's just-I don't know. Joe is special I guess." Andy started and Ryan held a hand over his heart and let out a happy sigh as Brendon pretended to gag.

"Oh fuck off." Andy giggled and Brendon smiled cheekily.

Ryan sat up and brought an arm around Brendon's shoulder, bringing him close and pressing a kiss to Brendon's temple. Brendon hummed and leaned gently into Ryan's touch. Now it was Andy's turn to make fake puking noises. As he did so, Brendon smiled and pulled Ryan in for a kiss as he flipped Andy off playfully. Andy laughed and stood back up, walking over to his closet to find a different outfit.

   "Dude you look fine. There's no need to change. Plus Joe should be here in like half an hour. Why don't you just sit down and take a minute to relax." Ryan suggested and Andy hesitantly nodded.

   "Alright fine."

As hard as Andy tried to calm himself, it didn't work. He kept bouncing his legs and trying to perpetuate his breath, yet to no avail, nothing seemed to work. It didn't help either when Andy got a notification that Joe had sent him a text.


   Cowboy-boot sideburns: only a few more minutes!!!!

   Trohley: !!!!!!!!!!!!

   Cowboy-boot sideburns: I'm so excited omg I'm shaking

   Trohley: shouldn't you be like driving or something??

   Cowboy-boot sideburns: I stopped to grab something

   Cowboy-boot sideburns: but I am back in my car now so I do have to go

   Cowboy-boot sideburns: buT SO O N

   Trohley: eXCITE


   Joe ran a hand messily through his hair to poof it out and let out a sigh as he put on his seatbelt and started pulling out of the parking lot onto the main road to Andy's house. Thoughts of Andy consumed his mind. Andy was special and nothing like Joe could ever imagine. He's just so perfect in Joe's eyes.

   Joe smiled when he pulled up to Andy's house. He reached for the flowers he had gotten for Andy that had rested in the passenger seat and hopped out of his car, walking up to the door. He let out a shaky breath, tugged on his jacket a bit, and rang the doorbell.

   Joe heard some footsteps and multiple voices before the steps became louder and the door opened.

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