Julie's Challenge

Start from the beginning

"Well I've been cooking since I was younger and for large amounts of people. So how about I handle the catering. Sachi you are wonderful at looking at something and thinking of ways to make it better, isn't that why you want to be a designer so bad? You can see ways of making something shine to the best of its potential, so you would be perfect for handling the decorating. Seina you're a very people oriented person, you find it easy to talk to people and people feel happy to talk with you. So why don't you sort out the invitations and contact people we would like to invite including some entertainment. Maemi you're very clever and very organised. We are going to need someone to budget and to make sure everything is coming together as it should be. You could handle the money and contacts for things that we need." Julie sat listening as Kyoko played each girl to their strengths. None of them denied her views of them. If anything they were all happy by how accurate she was.

"OK Kyoko say we go with your plan. What do we do?" Seina asked looking at her solemnly. Kyoko turned to Maemi.

"That would be up to our organiser to decide."

Maemi thought for a moment and then smiled. Grabbing a sheet of paper from the table she turned it over from one of the joint ideas they had thrown together and started writing out a list.

"OK girls so this is what we shall do!" Julie smiled as the girls prepared for another 30 minutes before running off for their own tasks. She had not had to disagree with anything they had put forwards as of yet. But if they thought it was going to be easy pleasing this mother...they had another think coming.

"So what do you think of Seina then?" Lory asked hoping to take the focus away from the loving eyes Kuon was making just thinking about the girl he was in love with. Kuon was happier after thinking about Kyoko answered easily.

"I find her very fun to be around and she too is very beautiful. I don't think I have ever met anyone who is as happy as she is to be in her own skin. She dislikes nothing about herself giving her an amazing confidence which she then radiates to others around her which makes her feel approachable. She makes people feel at ease including me." Lory nodded and smiled.

"Has she told you anything like Sachi about her future hopes and dreams?" Lory asked hoping to give the audience a show of how much Kuon really did listen to each of the women and didn't entirely focus on Kyoko.

"I think Seina is completely happy with her current line of work. She talks about all the new fashions and styles people have brought forwards or improved on and how she cannot wait for a certain style of fashion to come back or for one to go back into the closet as she called it. I honestly think Seina is one of these very lucky people much like myself who has found their perfect role in life and will happily see it thought to the end." Lory nodded happily at Kuon's answer before looking enquiringly at the now chuckling man.

"Care to share what amuses you?" Lory asked Kuon, who chuckled a little more before replying.

"I think I better warn Mom. In a few years she's going to have some pretty big competition from those young ladies. Can you imagine what an amazing team they will make together?" Lory smiled and nodded wondering if maybe he had space in LME for a new project...

"OK so you're going to need …." Kyoko listened as Maemi rattled off the list to her and Kyoko nodded when she had everything perfect.

"Yes and if you could by chance get a known sous chef that would be wonderful." Maemi looked at Kyoko a little confused.

"I thought you would want to run the kitchen? She asked as she watched Kyoko experimenting with the dishes they would be serving at the party, and scribbling down ideas.

Looking up at Maemi she shook her head. "Even though I know I can cook Maemi-san, I would not for a moment believe that I could run the entire kitchen by myself especially as there will be much older and wiser chefs to control. You would not ask a mule to race a thoroughbred, now would you?" Maemi nodded to Kyoko's strange logic though she supposed it did make sense. She had watched this girl and understood her tiniest details as she planned and executed ideas, but still Kyoko surprised her like no one ever had before.

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